Omake #1

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I know there has already been many OOCness in my book.

But there will be more in this chapter.


Original World

"Reborn-san!" A young man with silver hair called out to a man with a fedora on his head and curly black sideburns.

"Hayato, what do you want?"

"Well.. Im not sure if Juudaime will be happy when he sees what I received..." Hayato hesitantly gives Reborn the envelope.

Reborn opened the envelope and smirks in satisfaction.

"Well then, when Dame-Tsuna comes back, he'll receive one hell of a surprise.."

"Hahaha! What's all this fuzz about?" A man holding unto a baseball laughed while approaching the two.

"Shut Up Baseball-Freak!"

Reborn showed the paper and Takeshi laughed it off.

"Im not sure what'll happen then.. Hahaha!"

"EXTREMMMEEEE RUNNING!!!" A loud shout rang in the hallway.

"Stop shouting Turf-top!!"

"Why are you shouting too Octopus-head?!" Ryohei shouted back.


"Shut up." Reborn threatened and the two nodded stiffly.

"Well then, all we have to do is wait for Dame-Tsuna to come back.. Byakuran told me it'll be a few days from now.." Reborn smirked.

"Hai!" Hayato saluted.

"Yare Yare, what's all this gathering about? You disturbed my sleep.." Yawned a teen with black curly hair.

"You EXTREMELY woke up!"

"Hahaha! Gomen gomen."

"Well then, I'll be going first." Reborn smirked and then disappeared.

"Kufufufu, what are you all doing here?"

"Herbivores, you're crowding.." A man with tonfas growled.

"Ano.. While bossu is away, cant we all stop fighting?" A petite girl asked sheepishly.

"Kfufufu, Im not sure about that Chrome.." The pineapple head laughed.

All of them knew that Tsuna was away.

Oh well, let the fight begin.


"Ah! A centipede!!" Tsuna smiled and pointed at the insect.

Tsuna went over to the centipede and gave it a grin.

"I'll name you Manny! Manny the Centipede!"

Byakuran shrieked and kicked the centipede away.

"You shouldn't be doing that Tsu-chan.."

"NOOO!! MANNY!!!" Tsuna cried and fell on his knees.

"Calm do-"

"R.I.P Manny.. I will never forget you.." Tsuna frowned.

"Hey guys what are you talking about?" Enma approaced the two.

"What was I talking about again?" Tsuna gave a confused expression and shrugged it off.

Back to the original world..

"Its been a day and Tsuna-nii hasn't come back.." Lambo groaned.

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