Chapter 28: Getting Off topic

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"Stop joking! There's no--" Iemitsu was cut off from what he was saying when powerful Sky flames burst out of Tsuna's hands and head making them all fly back a bit.

Timoteo's eyes widened, 'Such force and power.. And he doesn't even look like he's taking effort to produce such pure Sky flames..' He thought.

"I guess I'll be showing off a bit." Tsuna have them a grin and then Mist flames burst out of his left hand and both his Sky and Mist flames suddenly had the tint of black.

"Three powerful flames in one body?!" One of Timoteo's guardians shouted in disbelief.

All of Nayoshi's guardians flew back too.

Tsuna smirked as he muttered, "Version Vongola X..." Suddenly, the Vongola ring on Nayoshi's fingeer started floating to Tsuna and it transformed to Version X.

"Natsu!" Tsuna shouted and a loud, "Gao~!" Was heard.

A sky cub was released and Tsuna bowed at the Vongola members in front of him.

"Hello Vongola, I'll be in your care."

"Stop showing off." Reborn smirked and Tsuna just gave him a sadistic smile.

Many people started to gather, the Arcobaleno, Nono and his guardians, the CEDEF, and Varia too.

"VOIIII!! So you were that cocky brat!"

"Trash, you were that scum."

Tsuna just gave them a goofy face and pat Natsu who was beside him.

"Well, looks like all Vongola is here. Well, I'll be introducing you to some families which you will be allied to soon." Tsuna said as he gestured behind him and appeared four figures behind him.

"These people are actually staying at My house right now." Tsuna stated and they stepped out, surprising Nono.

"This guy is the boss of Gesso Famiglia. Meet Byakuran."

Byakuran glared at Iemitsu then smiled at everyone.

"Hello there Vongola~" he said while popping a marshmallow in his mouth.

Enma then stood in front as he gave them a smile.

"My name is Kozart Enma.. Its very nice to meet tou all."

Tsuna smiled as he swung his arm around Enma, "This guy is the tenth boss of Shimon Famiglia."

"No way.." Timoteo muttered and Tsuna looked it him. "Yes way~"

"The descendant of Primo's best friend..."

"That would be me!" Enma cheered with a thumbs up.

Next who stepped up was Aria, "This is Aria-san! As you all know, she's the Sky bearer of the Pacifiers. She's also the boss of the Giglionero Famiglia!" Tsuna introduced with a clap.

"And... Gamma." Tsuna trailed off and whistled making Gamma irritated.


"Moving on..." Tsuna smiled, "We're all here aren't we?" Tsuna said as he eyed everyone of them.

"Just get on with it!" Gokudera and Xanxus shouted.


"Bossu..." Chrome tugged on Nayoshi's shirt.

"Uhm, yes?" Nayoshi asked and Chrome pointed Tsuna's eyes that were turning blue.

"Not this again.." Skull groaned.

"This kid is annoying, can someone please throw him off?" Zero glared at Skull who didn't acknowledge his presence.


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