Chapter 1: Little Doll

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"What would education matter to a killer?"

Those words echoed throughout my mind as my eyes widen with fear and worry, someone has blown my cover that I spent years to hide from the public. How on earth does he know about my mass murder?

"What are you talking about?" I spun around to face him. "A killer? Me? Seriously?"

"Your attitude changed rather suddenly now, didn't it?" he narrowed his eyes. "Guess I was right, huh?"

"As I said, I don't get what you're talking about."

This guy, I can't tell if he's serious or bluffing. His eyes lie but his smile's so confident that it almost looks as if fragile. This guy, doesn't live up to my expectations at all. I thought the Karma would be, at least, more intimidating.

"Don't play dumb," he snapped. "You know what I'm talking about."

I glared at him, trying to make the sharpest eye contact possible, distracting him from my actions. "Fine, you got me." I surrendered. "But, you can't tell anyone."

"Oh, no can do, miss." he gagged. "See, now I have something to blackmail you with, no way am I going to let this chance slide."

My eyes widened, "Excuse me?" I stared at him in disbelief.

"Simple, I will have you do my bidding," he demanded. "If not, I'll report on you as the murderer of 200 lives two years past. The rumours say they haven't given up on that yet."

"You can't be serious, right?" my hand extended to reach for the blade, caught in between the wall cracks it had been plunged in earlier.

"I'm dead serious!"

I wiggled the knife around, loosening its clasp from the wall. "There's no way I can stop you?" I asked, giving him one last chance.

"Are you fucking with me, bitch?" he reverted to using harsh language. "How can a small brat like you possibly stop me?"

There was my chance. With the knife unravelled from the wall, I darted towards him, knife ready to kill. Using my keen vision as an advantage, I located a perfect striking spot to plunge the knife into, his neck.

I stabbed his throat, making him let out a high-pitched cry. There was still some room left for him to struggle and he did not waste any time to do so. Seeing that he really is serious about breaking free, I wiggled the blade deeper into his throat, blood pouring non-stop.

Without me even noticing, I was having fun. The tip of my lips curved up as a hint of laughter escaped my mouth. "Bye-bye, Karma." I bid him farewell, extracting the knife out with full force, ripping out his throat.

The action stopped in a split second after it happened. I gazed at the corpse, "Serves you right!" I laughed hysterically. "You shouldn't have threatened me in the first place!"

I was going crazy. The burden of taking 200 lives is weighing my entire self down, driving me into the corner. I wish I didn't have anything to do with the accident. I wanted a normal school life, one that doesn't require me to hide. One that makes me happy.

"One that would teach me to be a normal human being." I, painfully, admitted while stroking the lifeless body that I just killed on the ground.

"The thing is, you're not human." a deep voice, about a couple of octaves lower than Karma's, pierced it's way into my ears from behind me.

I spun my head around, behind me was another redhead, smirking while holding a knife of his own. "Never were, never will be." he teased, stuffing his loose hand in his pocket.

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