Chapter 25: His Decision

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"Karma, if I win today, you'll have to French kiss Nagisa." 

My heart skipped an important beat as those few words escaped his lips, widening my eyes as a light blush dusted the blue-haired lad's cheeks. "Excuse me?" I questioned, clenching the bowling ball in my hands tighter. 

"He's been through that stage, you airhead." the raven-haired lad rolled his eyes, punching the brunette in the sides lightly before punching our names as well as our assigned groups into the empty scoreboard. "Karma, if I win, you'll have to give him a hand job." 

"Again I ask, excuse me?" 

"If he's gonna do that anyway, why not just give him a blowjob?" the older boy spoke, getting a nice smack from his blonde partner soon after. 

Gakushuu sighed, "Immature children." he chuckled, leaving a rather smug look on his face as an after effect. "It's his birthday, give him the full experience if you have time to waste by fondling with his--" 

I coughed, alerting the men that there were children in this bowling alley,  the parents' already giving us weird looks. "Mind the place and your pathetic language, Gakushuu. We're not at home, we're in public for heaven's sake." 

"Still, you practically have to admit you want to do it." Izaya gave his point from the waiting seat behind me. "Besides, I don't see anything wrong with going all the way either." 


Nagisa's practically beside me! How the fucking hell are you guys talking about this so casually?! 

"Karma's still a virgin, though." 

A silence fell as it continued to drag, followed by an act of disbelief by everyone gasping dramatically. "Am I hearing wrong?" Levi tilted his head, his expression twisted with disapproval and shock. "The Karma Akabane is still pure? No way." 

"You've -at least- experienced blow jobs, right?" Izaya questioned, a disgusting look written in bold all over his face. "I mean, you're-- You can't still be a virgin. I mean--what?!" 

I huffed, looking ahead to aim at the pins. "I haven't experienced any of those yet." I confirmed, pushing the muscles in  my arm to apply force into the throw. "I've always thought of doing it with someone I loved. And, I don't want to force the person to follow my selfish desires--" 

I threw the ball, although you're supposed to release the ball in a roll order, I couldn't care less about the destruction of the pins at this point. Right after the release, before I could even confirm the ball's destination, I turned over to the blue-haired lad -lifting his chin up to meet his eyes. 

"Unless he allows me to." I said, silently directing the message to him. "If you do, I'll make sure you won't even be able to crawl your way out of the bed." 

Before he could do anything, he jumped at the sound of the bowling ball crashing into the pins ahead. A clear 'STRIKE' saying was displayed on the screen, indicating that I knocked down all of the pins at once. 

I licked my lips at the blushing mess in front of me, smirking when he bit his own lips, as if expecting some sort of joke kiss from me. I leaned in closer, "I wasn't joking, by the way." I whispered, sending chills down his spine. 

"Kinky." a single word escaped the blonde's mouth, followed by a high-pitched whistle from his partner. 

I turned to them, "Of course." I made my way to sit on the seat, bringing my legs up and folding them over each other. "Only the best for my lover." 

"And this is exactly why its hard to believe you're a virgin." Gakushuu commented, walking up to the lane for his turn after giving me a smack behind the head. "Seriously, just fuck already." 

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