Chapter 14: The kiss

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"You took away my mother."

That's the last thing I remember before his knife pierced through my chest. 


"Hey Shunii," I tapped on his shoulder, ripping him apart from the novel he was reading. 

He faced me, sitting up on the bed before setting aside his novel on the bedside table. "What is it?" he asked, a smile plastered on his face. 

"Now that I'm 10 years old," I started. "Will you tell me how mom was pregnant with me?" 

His eyes gradually widened before he burst into laughter, "So, what you're saying is that you want to know where babies come from?" 

"More less." I answered, genuinely curious of the fact. 

"Nagisa, let me tell you something." he said as I climbed into bed beside him after slipping off my cozy slippers at the foot of the bed. His face followed my movements, "You and I are not real siblings."

I tilted my head to one side, "What do you mean?" I decided to crawl in front of him, sitting nearest to his feet while hugging a soft pillow I kept with me when I sleep. 

"To tell you the truth, 'mom' adopted you when I asked her to." he explained. "So, that makes us half brothers."

"But then, who's my real mother?" I questioned. "What happened to her?"

He patted my head, "Why are you so worried?" he asked, the end of his lips still curving upwards.

I averted my eyes, sticking out my bottom lips a bit. "W-Well, I just found out that my mom is not my real mom. Of course I'd ask some of those questions." I switched my gaze back onto him, and when I saw him still smiling, my lips couldn't help but follow his. 

"Hey, what was my mom like?" I asked out of pure curiosity. 

He hugged his knees, rocking himself back and fourth as his head looked up to the ceiling. "Well, she was really pretty." he described roughly. "Her long hair was really beautiful to look at and her blue eyes matches yours perfectly. And when she smiled, almost all the men around her would freeze because of her charming personality." 

"She sounds like an amazing woman." I admired. "Why did she throw me away?"

He flicked my forehead, "Dummy, don't say it like that." he lightly scolded. "She didn't throw you away, she simply went overseas because of a business project thing. So, she couldn't take care of you and handed you over to my family." 

"Oh, I see." I acknowledged, understanding my mother's thoughts. Kinda. "But, how about my dad? Do you know anything about him?" 

I saw his eyes widened as his breath sharpened slightly, "No." he sighed. "No, I don't." 

"Oh." I darted my eyes away, feeling a bit awkward asking the question out of no where. "Ah, that's right." I remembered. "You didn't tell me how mom was pregnant with me." 

"As I said--" he suddenly cut off his own sentence. "Hey, Nagisa." he tilted his head, supporting his chin with a couple of his fingers. "Remember how I said we weren't exactly brothers?" 

I tried to re-call, "You said we were half-brothers." I reminded. "But, don't dodge the question, Shunii." 

"You want me to show you how babies are made?" he crept closer, stroking my chin after wrapping a few of his fingers, which earlier were on his chin, on it. 

I felt this uneasy vibe suddenly, it was hard to describe. One thing was for sure though, I didn't like the look in his eyes. It disgusts me somehow. "On second thought, maybe I'll go ask mom." I quickly changed my mind, not wanting to be around him at the moment. 

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