Chapter 2: The clouded memories

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The sunset over the horizon is so beautiful when gazed at this angle. The bell rang half an hour ago and the class is mostly empty by now. I was the only one left, gazing at the enchanted sinking sun from inside the classroom while stuffing books and folders in my bag.

"I don't want you to suffer the burden of murdering 200 people alone."

I shook off the thought. Karma was just trying to mess with me. Trying to meddle with my life. Who does he think he is to do so? For starters, he doesn't even know my name when we're in the same class.

"Oh, Nagisa? You're still here?"

I turned around, expecting my face to be slammed to the wall any second now, seemingly I don't have any friends, so whoever's calling me would come to attack. But, to my surprise, nothing happened. I just stood there with my arms protecting my face, looking like an abused child.

"Its okay," the speaker of the high-pitched voice approached me. "I'm not going to hurt you, silly."

"You never know"

The girl burst into laughter, tears clumped between her eyelids. I scanned her, trying to remember this female. Then, it hit me.

She's from my class. A girl with Jade hair who's seat is directly beside mine. We've never really talked but, I'd always remember the faces of my classmates.

Unlike someone I know.

"So? What are you doing here?" she swiped away a tear that came leaking out of its sack.

"Packing my bag." I stated with a slight 'duh' tone in my voice.

She nudged my side a bit before winking for a split second, "Don't give me that." she giggled. "I meant, what are you doing still in school?"

"Why are you still here?" I asked, quite rudely but, she was a bit annoying herself.

"I got practice and the B-class students want me to clean the storage room." she whined. "You know, being in the horrible E-class makes it easier for the upper-grades to prey on you, am I right?"

I thought about it. She did have a point, but, will it sound weird if I said I looked up to them? Being the predator instead of the prey in this life cycle wouldn't be such a bad thing. But,will it risen my suspicions on being a killer?

No, no. Karma's an assassin, and he practically wears his murderous behaviour. But, the government didn't suspend him yet. Why? Why is he so protected?

"Being in the last class lessens the suspicions of you being the killer."

There's no way that could be true, could it?

"Earth to Nagisa!" a piercing pitch came shooting in my ear as I jumped back, startled by the sudden explosion in my ear.

"S-Sorry," she apologized, seeing how far back I landed. "You were just so deep in thought. I wondered what you were thinking about."

"Nothing important." I shrugged, returning to my seat to continue packing my bag.

"Is that so?" she wondered. "Well, I guess that's that."

I stared at her from the corner of my eye, she seemed to be normally initiating a conversation with me when everyone else turns their backs to me without a second thought.

Was it because, she was rejected too?...

"Anyway, I have to go." she shot a thumb out there door behind us. "You get going too! You know what they say, know?"

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