Chapter 1: Training Camp

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Up top is Ace, Josh Duhamel. I don't think words are needed.

Thanks for reading and enjoy the chapter (:

Ace's Pov:
5 years ago~
I was panting, sweat running down my body. I dropped to the ground and crawled under the wire. Mud flew up and smacked me in the face, but I ignored it and continued crawling. I jumped up and ran to the tires, stepping in and out of them at a steady pace. My lungs screamed as I fought for breath, but no matter what, I didn't stop.

Rain started to fall, it wasn't heavy yet, but I knew it would be. I ran faster, wanting to be finished before the real downpour. I finally made it to the wall. I grabbed the rope and used all of my strength to pull myself up and over the wall. Our drill sergeant was waiting there for us. There were a few men ahead and behind me, but I paid them no mind as I finished the course.

I bent down and put my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath. "Stand up straight, solider!" He barked at me.

I immediately obeyed and looked straight forward, I looked around and realized, I was one of the first to finish the course. My chest was moving rapidly as I regained my breath, and I watched as the rest of the men finished. We automatically stood in a line, standing straight, mouths shut.

He walked up and down the line sizing us up, a tactic he used often. I was toward the end of my basic training, the last thing I wanted was to fuck it up.

He stopped in the middle of our line. "Privates on the left. Back to the bunker immediately. I want every single toilet so spotless I could eat off of them before you take showers!"

It was my half to go and clean the toilets and I didn't have a problem with it, I just didn't want to run the course again. "Yes, sir!" We yelled in unison.

He nodded "Dismissed!"

The 16 of us went back to the bunker and did as we were told. The other 16 were the last to finish and were likely doing the course again.

"Thank God. I'm in good shape, but you can only do that course so many times before you feel like your going to cough up a lung." Charlie stated from beside me.

"I know. I was one of the first to finish and I still hate doing the damn thing." I sighed and looked back at the guys doing the course again "Poor lads."

"Yeah, but still we have to go and scrub literal shit off of the toilets. I swear these people have never heard of toilet paper." Charlie said with a look of disgust.

"It wont be that bad." I laughed before patting him on the back.

We all walked in and found supplies ready for us. A fucking toothbrush and liquid soap.

"You've gotta be shittin me." Elliot scoffed.

We all grumbled under our breath and picked up our toothbrushes. I think it was safe to say it was a pretty gross evening.

On the bright side, it was nice to get to talk to the guys and laugh like normal. There's a pretty good chance I'll end up in the same place as them when basic training ends. Luckily they are pretty great guys.

But none of these guys can replace Phoenix. My best friend, my rock, my voice of reason, and my tattoo companion.

"All I want is a fucking shower. I smell like sweat and ass." I stated while we headed for the showers.

The guys all nodded and spoke in agreement. "I know man. But at least we were the superior half today." Charlie said.

The other sixteen of us came in sweaty and still huffing and puffing. "You alright, guys?" I chuckled.

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