Chapter 24: Stressed Out

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Thank you for reading and enjoy the chapter(:

Jason's Pov:
Ace never left the hospital. He sat my Charlie's bedside every night until they kicked him out and was out of bed by the time visiting hours started. He was on the phone once every other hour to inform Vanessa of his condition, he was basically Charlie's personal nurse. He came home every night exhausted, he practically stumbled into bed and was out by the time he hit the pillow. He ate the disgusting hospital food so he didn't have to leave the hospital. I was so proud of him, he was being there for his friend in his time of need.

I missed him, it's been weeks of solid pecks on the lips and maybe two hours together with both of us awake. I had received all of Tyler's documents and was ready to begin taking him to school. "It would really mean a lot to both of us if you were there. Ty is pretty nervous and he would feel better if you came with me to drop him off."

Ace sighed as he was tying his shoes, I made it a priority to wake up in time to have this conversation with him. "When is his first day again?"

"Tomorrow." I told him patiently, this would be the third time I had told him. 

"How are you going to get him there?"

"We are going to have to take the bus every day to get him there, I have already gotten a bus pass and when he gets old enough he will be able to go on his own. But for the time being, I am going to have to go with him and then take the bus back to work." I explained.

He nodded slowly. "Yeah, I can help you take Tyler to school and then I will take the bus back to go to the hospital."

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "What about work? It's been a long time since you have been to work and we need to focus on the rent and ensuring we can eat every night. I know you care about Charlie, but he is in a hospital and they aren't going to let anything happen to him."

He looked a little angry but relented when he realized I was right, fighting with me wasn't going to help anything. "I know, I just feel like he needs someone there for him. Vanessa can't be here and It is not going to do him any good to be surrounded by strangers all day."

"I know what you mean, but you have responsibilities and you need to get back on track. They have said nothing but positive things since the surgery, he is going to make a full recovery. You need to go to work." I hated having to talk down to him, but he needed a wake up call. We needed to pay rent and we needed to get back to our lives. "Charlie is going to be able to go home in two days. You are going to drive him home so he can be with his wife and then we are going to focus on us."

He looked like he was at a loss, but humored me anyway. "Okay, I will try and be home early tonight so I can eat dinner with you guys." He stood from the bed and walked over to me. He kissed me on the forehead and gave me a hug. "I am sorry, I know I haven't been around. I hear you, I promise I will make it up to you." He let me go and walked out of the apartment to go visit Charlie. When I heard the door shut, I sat down on the bed with a sigh.

"I guess that's a start." I could only hope it was enough.


He didn't make it home for dinner. I was already in bed by the time he crawled in beside me and cuddled me from behind. I was upset, I wasn't angry. I needed him to come through for us tomorrow. If he let Tyler down, I didn't know how I would react. Tyler was so nervous, he was excited to go back to school but he was asking me questions and making sure he had everything in order. I tried my best to calm him down, I even had to sit next to his bed to get him to finally go to sleep. He needed all the support he could get, and that included Ace.

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