Chapter 10: Pain I Never Acknowledged

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Jason's Pov:

It killed me to watch him as he walked out of the restaurant. I never wanted to hurt him, it was never a psychological debate about whether I liked him or not, I did. I just couldn't put my problems onto him. I couldn't depend on someone else, the last time I did they kicked me out and never cared enough to try and look for me.

I remembered the hatred and disgust painted on my father's face as he told me to get out and never come back. At first I waited for a phone call, some type of indication that they wanted me back. I never got it.

"Order for Jason!" I walked up to the waiter and took my food. Jeremy was having one of his "bad days" so I decided that I would get the two of us food. I got a raise since I had been working at the diner for a year and we decided to celebrate.

In reality, I didn't really have much to celebrate.

I exited the restaurant and began to make my way home. I really wish I still had my bike, I could put the food in the basket and be home before I knew it. I was hoping I would have the money to fix it with my new raise.

I boom of thunder made me jump, I looked up into the dark sky and saw lighting in the distance. I watched the dark clouds roll in quickly, I quickened my pace and put up my hood. 

I was suddenly filled with unprecedented, bitter rage. I wouldn't have to fucking worry about this shit if my parents would have just cared about me. It was pathetic really, nearly two years later and I still couldn't let shit go.

I watched as my siblings got everything handed to them. I had one younger sibling, Tyler, he was only four when I saw him last. There was a time when I was the baby, I got the attention. Then when Tyler came in the most unexpected fashion, I was officially a middle child.

Everybody knew the middle children got the shaft.

I wasn't jealous, I was actually the one that was happy about the unplanned pregnancy, I would have a younger sibling. One that would look up to me and someone I could inspire.

He motivated me to come out without even realizing it. I didn't want to be a liar, I didn't want to be a burden. I wanted to show him that you could be whoever you wanted to be and I wanted him to be proud of that. I wanted him to know that being your true self is more important than any opinion.

I was positive they would accept me, maybe that was why I was still pissed off. My two older siblings, Jamie and Julia, were twins less than 5 minutes apart. Jamie came out as a lesbian when she was eighteen, they accepted her.

Why couldn't they accept me?

"Are you serious?! We already have one gay child and I accepted that because she is a girl,  but you are my oldest son! You are supposed to be the one to carry on the family name! You are supposed to be the one to take over my family business! It was all supposed to be you!"

He gestured towards my little brother. "Thank God for him." He looked at him with desperate, pleading eyes. "You're my last hope for normal." He looked back at me and his expression morphed into something I had never seen before. He looked enraged, as if I told him I committed a heinous crime like rape or murder. "Get the fuck out of my house and don't come back."

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