Chapter 6: Chocolate Brown Eyes

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Josh Duhamel as Ace with the chocolate brown eyes.

Thank you for reading and enjoy the chapter(:

Jason's Pov:
I heard a crack and a spark, I jerked out of a very deep sleep and immediately looked towards the sound. I widened my eyes as I caught sight of a heaving Matt hovering over Jeremy as he cowered towards the corner.

"Seriously!?" I got up and made my way towards the scene. I stood in front of Matt, not even a little intimidated by his taller figure. "Did I not already mention the landlord isn't our biggest fan? Breaking his lamp and possibly waking other people up at four in the morning is not going to help our case. I told you to leave him alone, what the hell happened now?"

Matt looked over my shoulder as I stood in front of Jeremy. "I don't know what his deal is, but he is eating the food that I buy with my own money, he has been using all the hot water and waking me up in the early hours in the morning, not to mention he has been late on paying his share of the rent for months now. Don't be so quick to defend, Jason." He sneered before storming off into the bathroom.

I heard a crack of glass and a sniffle before turning to look a Jeremy. He was trying to pick up the broke lamp as I saw tears fall onto the wood flooring. "Come on." I said before going towards my sleeping area, putting some distance between us and the others.

I sat down on my uncomfortable mattress, I felt it dip as Jeremy took his seat next to me. I looked at him as he tried to hide his tears and embarrassment. I always had a soft spot for Jeremy, he was the quiet and sweet one of the bunch and we have had some very long conversations since we met. I knew something was bothering him, I just never got the time to sit down and ask him, until now.

At four in the morning on a Monday.

"So, what's going on?" All he did was sigh. "You know that I am the only one, out of everyone here that would be willing to listen to you and here you out."

"I lost my job, I'm not letting everyone down on purpose, I can't afford to buy my own food or rent." He admitted quietly.

I looked at him, trying to not show my emotions. He didn't want pity from me, he wanted understanding. "How did that happen?"

"That's not important, Jason." He said quietly. That was his way of telling me to leave it alone and not ask him again.

"Why didn't you say something sooner? Rather than have the others treat you like you don't deserve to be here."

"I don't deserve to be here!" He lowered his voice when he realized Mark wasn't far from us. "I can't pay rent therefore I don't deserve to be here, I have been trying to find a job before it was my turn to pay rent and I haven't had any luck. I knew if I told someone, I wouldn't be here much longer anyway."

I sighed. I really didn't know how to help him. There weren't any full time positions open at the diner or else I would mention him to Carrie. I understood his position, I really did. But I didn't know how to help him.

"Its okay." He interrupted my thoughts. "I wasn't telling you with hopes of you helping me or bailing me out. I just needed to tell someone."

I put my hand on his shoulder and he looked at me with glassy eyes. "We will figure something out. You're not going anywhere I won't allow it. I will bring you food home from work, I get discounts. Use the shower after Matt if you have to and just try to fly under the radar for the time being. You know I am here for you if you need it."

He sniffled. "I know. Okay, I'll give that a shot."

"Don't stop trying to find a job, I'll try and buy you some time." He nodded.

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