Chapter 4: Confrontation

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Dylan O'Brien as, Jeremy. Thank you for reading and enjoy the chapter (:

Jason's Pov:
"You can't keep using all of the hot water every single fucking morning anymore!" I jerked awake to see Matt yelling at Jeremy as he cowered towards the wall.

"I'm sorry! I won't do it again I swear!" Jeremy pleaded. There was something wrong with him. He always fought back when they yelled at him and he never hid from them either, he usually stood up for himself.

I jumped up and went over to push Matt away from him. "Give him a break Matt, he said he won't do it again." I tried to reason with him, but my voice was groggy with sleep and didn't sound very intimidating.

"No! He needs to realize he's not the only person living here! This is the fifth time in two weeks that I have woken up to cold water or he's still in the shower." I understood why he was mad, but that didn't mean I was going to let him hit Jeremy.

"He said he won't do it again. Now, you can go and take a cold shower and move on with your day or you can take up your argument with me." I calmly told him with a glare.

He scoffed. "You two fucking now? You gonna protect the baby?"

I sighed. "I'm simply trying to keep the peace around here. Just like what Alex said, we're not friends. But I'm sure we all would like to live in a decent environment." I paused. "And just because I'm gay doesn't mean I want to fuck any guy with a pulse by the way." I told them I was gay when I first moved in to make sure they were okay with it. I didn't need problems coming my way later. 

"Fine. But seriously, lay off the hot water." He said before going into the bathroom. We waited until the water was running before I stepped away from Jeremy and he scampered into his corner of the room with a small "Thank you." Alex left to go to the gym and Mark was slowly trying to drag his ass out of bed in time to get to work.

I shook my head, went back to my bed and waited for Matt to get out. Cold or not, I couldn't afford to get fired because I stunk up the diner. He came out with a towel around his waist and I grabbed my towel before making my way inside. "Give him a break Matt. We may not be friends but I'm worried about him." I told him before shutting the door, closing it with just enough time to hear him sigh.

I got into the cold shower and cleaned myself off before quickly getting out and grabbing my towel. I walked out to find everyone gone, even Mark which was shocking considering he's always the last one to leave.

I got dressed and locked the door behind me as I left. I got on my bike and looked down to see my tires were flat. There was a screwdriver laying next to the back tire. "Fucking hell." I groaned before looking at my phone. I was going to be late.

I got my bike and put it against the wall before walking to work. I got there about 15 minutes late. "You're later than usual, J." Carrie stated as I walked in.

"Some asshole decided it would be a good idea to stab my bike tires with a screwdriver." I scoffed.

She gasped because she knew what that meant. I was going to have to contribute the money I didn't have the fix my bike. My bike was my way of getting everywhere, from work to getting dinner for the guys and I. It needed to be fixed, it was essential. But because of rent and our utilities, I couldn't afford not to help them and fix my bike.

"Is Scar in?" I sighed rubbing my temple.

She nodded slowly. "I'm sorry sweetie, she's in the back. Let me know if I can help in any way."

"Thank you, but this is my problem to fix." I insisted before walking to the back to see Scarlett talking on the phone. 

"Jason just walked in. I'll see you later." She smiled and whispered something back before looking at me.

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