Chapter 26: The Afterglow

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We are almost done.
Thank you for reading and enjoy the chapter(:

Jason's Pov:
I woke up with a sharp pain protruding my lower back. I was aching, it wasn't a bad feeling, just proof of last night's excursions. I glanced at the clock and realized we had only slept a few hours.

Ace laid beside me, snoring softly but he looked peaceful. I smiled at his sleeping figure before placing a kiss on his cheek. He rolled over and I caught sight of the eagle tattoo across the left side of his back. It was so unbelievably sexy, I hadn't truly noticed it before. Or maybe I just was too distracted by his handsome face to notice his back. It was riddled with a few nail marks, I traced my fingers along the marks and I got up from the bed, wincing a little as I stood. I grabbed my phone and dialed Scarlett's number.

"He's fine." Was the first thing she said when she answered the phone.

"Just fine?"

She sighed. "He's actually been having a pretty good time actually. He's such a good kid, respectful, my mother seems to like him a lot more than she likes me."

I chuckled. "I'm glad."

"I'm shocked you didn't call sooner considering how worried you were when we left."

I was sure I was blushing. "Well, I was a little preoccupied." I cleared my throat.

"Preoccupied? Doing wha-" She gasped. "You did not?" When I stayed silent, she squealed into the receiver. "No way! You guys didn't waste any time."

"No, I guess not." That was my doing. The way Tyler screamed I love you, i was sure he was referring to both of us. It touched my heart it so many ways, I looked over at his shocked face and realized how much I truly loved him. How much I needed him.

I was overwhelmed with this insane feeling of lust and love. I knew I was ready, I didn't have any fear, no second thoughts or tears. Despite the pain at first, I knew I had made the right decision.

"Well, I'm happy for you guys. I told you this would be a good idea for everybody. We are about to eat, enjoy your time with your man and I'll talk to you later."

"Love you." I mumbled.

"Love you too." She hung up and I walked back to the bedroom, Ace hadn't moved. I looked at his leg, the scar, the muscles were throbbing underneath his skin. I'm sure he as in pain, I walked into the kitchen and got some ice.

I gently shook him awake, his sleepy eyes blinked open. A sleepy grin came across his face as he stretched his arms above his head. "Mhm, I could get used to this."

I smiled and held up the ice. "I know you probably don't want to but I can see your muscle throbbing through your skin." I handed it to him and laid next to him. He turned on his back and placed the ice on his muscle, he hissed through his teeth.

I cuddled into his side and closed my eyes. "How do you feel?" I knew I was blushing, but I didn't dare lift my head.

"I'm okay. A little sore." I mumbled at the end.

"That is to be expected. I'm sorry, I wish I could have done it without it hurting you."

"It's not a bad kind of sore. I'm okay, I promise." I assured him.

"I just don't want you to regret it. That was the most amazing sexual experience I have ever had." He winced when he shifted the ice on his leg. "And it wasn't just sexual, it was some type of emotional connection I didn't know I could have."

"I feel the same way, of course once I got past the pain. It was more than just the movements, we weren't just going through the motions. I've never felt more loved than when I am with you, having sex just magnified it."

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