Chapter 15: Cuddles

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Ace's Pov:
"So, who's truck is this again?" Jason asked from the passenger seat. He was running his hands along the leather seats.

"Damon, he's a friend of mine, almost like a father." I responded.

"Are you sure he is okay with us borrowing it?" He asked nervously.

I chuckled. "Of course, he wouldn't have let me take the keys if the minded. Trust me."

He looked down and I saw him dwindling his fingers from the corner of my eye. "Something on your mind?"

His head snapped up. "Uh, no. Nothing at all."

I sighed. "I think after what you saw this morning, you know I'm not going to judge you. If you need to talk, I'll listen."

He sat for a moment, as if contemplating on whether or not to trust me. I expected for him to be weary around me for a while, but it looks like I underestimated his trust issues.

"I'm scared he won't remember me." He whispered.

"Who?" I said gently. I didn't want him to feel threatened by me if I felt the need to pry.

"My brother. My little brother Tyler, he was my best friend. I haven't seen him in two years and I'm pretty sure he will be at the hospital. I just don't know what I would do if he looked at me and didn't know who I was."

I decided to try and keep him talking. "Why did you leave home?"

He didn't even question me, he just laughed bitterly. "Leave? I didn't leave. They kicked me out."

"Kicked you out? Why would they do that?" I asked with a shocked voice. I didn't like where this was going, but judging by the anger in his voice two years later he needed to talk to someone about it.

"Take a wild guess." He turned his head to look at me. I glanced at him before quickly putting my eyes back on the road. "I'm gay. Apparently, that warrants banishment."

I sucked in a breath, in a way, he was just like me. I was discharged because they thought being gay meant that I couldn't be a leader. It meant I couldn't fight for my country. He felt the same agonizing pain I did.

Except, his pain came from his own family.

How could someone throw their own kid out on the street? Let alone for something they couldn't control. I tried my best not to show any sympathy for him, no matter how much I felt it. I hated it when people showed me pity, I assumed he would as well.

"I'm sorry, I know how it feels to be forced out of your home because of who you are." I glanced over and saw him looking at me with glassy eyes. "But I don't know what it's like to be kicked out of my home by my family."

He sniffed. "How did your family react?"

"They were understanding in a way, at first they were upset because I kept it a secret. We didn't talk for a few years because I thought they hated me and I left for the army."

"And now?"

I sighed. "I went and visited my family when I got home, and we patched things up. The same could happen to you, Jason."

"And how do you figure that?" I hated the sound of his voice. He was usually so gentle, or shy whenever we talked, now he was just angry, closed off.

"A lot can change in two years."

I saw him shake his head. "Can we talk about something else? Please?" I could hear the plea in his voice, I couldn't help but comply.

"Sure." I heard him exhale softly.

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