Chapter 17: A New Leaf

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Enjoy this sad but meaningful chapter and thank you for reading.

Ace's Pov:
I caught Jason in my arms as quickly as I could. I tried my best not to panic, I knew he had just fainted. He could hardly bare the sight of his mother laying in the hospital bed.

I grunted as I lifted him on my bad side, and set him on a chair in the corner of the room. I turned back to his mother, this whole time she had remained silent. I didn't know if that was because it was difficult for her to talk or because she didn't know what to say.

I walked over to her bedside and saw her looking over at Jason, a look of longing in her eyes. She looked up at me and crinkled her eyes. "Are you my son's boyfriend?"

He voice was dry and crackly, I grabbed the glass of water sitting on the bedside table and handed it to her. She took it gratefully but never took her eyes off of me, demanding an answer.

"I hope to be." I didn't bother lying. We were obviously on our way there but we hadn't put a label in our relationship yet. I didn't want to do that without him knowing or his consent.

She just nodded a little. "Is he happy?"

My heart broke a little, I knew I couldn't lie to her. "No."

She closed her eyes and a single tear ran down her face and on to the pillow. "I thought that maybe life would be better for him."

"How?" How could she think that anybody could be happier alone on the streets? It would always help to have somebody, and because of them he had nobody.

She exhaled and opened her blue eyes. "That's how I convinced myself to let him go. I told myself that being at home with his father was just going to ruin things for him and prevent him from accepting himself." She looked up at the ceiling as more tears streamed down her face. "Obviously I was wrong."

I sat on the end of the bed, being sure not to touch her. "Why couldn't he accept him for who he is? He accepted your daughter for who she is."

"But with difficulty." She retorted. "It took a lot of persuasion to convince him to keep her in the family and not to shun her. He was so proud of Jason and he loved him more than anything, but the second Jason said he was gay, it was like his whole world fell down the drain."

"How? It's not his life." I said, I couldn't help but interrupt. It was pure ignorance that held them back, but no amount of ignorance should affect a father's love.

"Jason's father was also shunned by his family because he wasn't willing to take over the family business. He ended up doing it anyway to appease his father but all those years of being shut down by his own family, changed him. He has his version of what a person should be, when he had his first son, he already had his life planned out."

"But that's wrong! Why would he get so angry over something as minor as loving who you want to love?"

She looked at me with a calm and understanding expression. "Because he had standards when it came to Jason, he was always so hard on him. He wanted him to find a good wife, work in the family business, have good kids and have a son no matter what. Jason wanted to be with a man, have as many kids as he wanted without limitations and he wanted to be a writer."

She shrugged her shoulder and smiled almost mockingly at herself. "He wasn't what he wanted, so it was almost like he didn't care how he treated him."

I was angry but I didn't let it show, lashing out at the women was not going to help me or Jason. I glanced over at him and saw him still passed out on the chair.

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