Chapter 19: Confessions

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Thank you for reading and enjoy the chapter (:

Ace's Pov:
"What do you mean by that?" Jason asked with a shy, confused voice.

I pulled back and looked into his eyes. I chuckled nervously and scrunched my eyebrows together. "You said I am giving you more than I could ever realize, what does that mean? What does having me in your life do for you? Other than cause you stress."

"You could never cause me stress." I admonished quietly. "You've made me happier than I ever thought I could be."

He tilted his head to the side, as if he were thinking hard about something. He sucked in a breath. "I just realized, we have talked about me and my life this whole time. We don't really talk about you much. I know you were in the army and why you aren't there anymore but I don't know much else."

I was afraid of this. I knew I would have to open up to him eventually but I was hoping I would be able to do it on my own terms. He did have a point, we have talked about him and he has done it, no matter how hard it must have been for him. If I truly cared about him as much as I knew I did, I had to show him by opening up to him.

I stood and gripped the chair I was sitting in before, and pulled it so I was sitting in front of him. "Ask anything you would like, I'll answer honestly."

"Anything?" His eyes got excited. I nodded and he smiled at me.

"What was your childhood like?" This I could answer.

"My childhood was pretty normal actually. Phoenix and I were attached to the hip, he helped make my childhood what it was. When my dad died, I took it pretty hard. That was probably the only part of my childhood where I wasn't happy. It took a couple years, Phoenix and I drifted apart. That happened for a lot of reasons, not just my own."

I thought back on the anger and pain I had felt when I found out what Phoenix had endured. I felt like I failed as a brother. I'm sure the anger showed on my face because Jason reached for my hand and ran his finger over my knuckles.

I gave him a small smile. "My brother and I didn't have a really close relationship but we still did things together. My mother is the sweetest woman I have ever met and my father was my role model. He is the reason I decided to go into the army and become the man that I am. My mother got remarried, he is a really good man and he treats my mother well, but it was still hard to adjust having someone else be the man of the house."

"Do you miss him?" He asked timidly.

"Not as much as I used to, the pain is still there but it doesn't hurt nearly as much as it did before." I said honestly.

"Have you had any relationships before me?" This was the question I was dreading. I looked down at out entwined fingers and sighed. "What's wrong?"

I looked up at him and he looked worried. I huffed out a breath. I couldn't avoid this question and the sooner I explained myself the better.  "When I first realized I was gay, I kept it a secret. There was only one other gay boy out of the closet at my school,  Isaac. He took interest in me. He followed me around and made moves on me until I finally gave in. He was so flamboyant and confident in himself, he was everything I dreamed of being. He was my first boyfriend but we just told everyone we were friends because I wasn't ready to come out yet." I scoffed. "Cowardly right?"

"No, not at all. Shame is the most common thing for gay people to feel when they realize it. We have to accept who we are first before we can expect others to."

"If you say so." I smiled. "Anyway, we were pretty happy, I was close to coming out to my parents. He would always try and talk me into it and help me feel comfortable. I was almost ready to do it. Until he went to a party one night and got killed by a drunk driver while he was driving home." Jason gasped and hugged me.

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