Chapter 14: Phone Call

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Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen as Jason's twin sisters, Jamie and Julia.

Thank you for reading and enjoy the chapter (:

Jason's Pov:
I jerked awake. I opened my eyes and It was blurry, I was so late when I got home that I immediately fell face first on to my mattress. I looked around and finally registered the sound of my phone ringing.

I snatched it off of the floor before answering it. "Hello." I mumbled into the receiver. I rubbed my eyes and yawned into the receiver. 

I looked at the clock and it was only 6:30, I glanced around and all of my roommates were still sleeping, trying to soak up every second they could on the weekend.

"Jason." I snapped my head up from the pillow. I was suddenly wide awake.

"Why are you calling me?" I whispered in a desperate attempt to not upset my roommates.

"I wasn't going to." She admitted. "But regardless of the past few years, you deserve to know what is going on."

"Oh?" My voice rising slightly. "And what do I deserve to know so badly, dear sister?" I would know her voice anywhere, even though it had been two years since I had seen or heard her, I knew it was Jamie on the other end.

She sighed. "Mom is in the hospital, she was diagnosed with cancer a few months ago and the doctor just informed us that it is inoperable and it is spreading rapidly." She paused. "She is at the hospital nearest to the house, I figured you would want to know."

"Instead of telling me that she was diagnosed with cancer months ago, you wait to tell me when she is on her deathbed, how kind of you." I spat sarcastically.

I got up out of bed and got into some jeans and a t shirt. "I honestly didn't know if you would care. After everything that has happened, I didn't think you would care to know that our mother was dying." 

I chuckled, I even noticed how bitter it sounded. "Shows how much you know me, I'm not that much of an asshole." I heard a small gasp on the other end. I never used to curse, let alone in front of my family.

She cleared her throat. "I'm assuming you will come and see her. If you do, then we will talk then."

"Fine." I walked out of my apartment and walked down the main stairs.

"Bye Jason." I just hung up. I ran a hand through my hair and walked outside. I didn't think I would even be up this early, let alone walking through the cold air towards the diner.

I wasn't scheduled to work today, but I had to tell Carrie that I would be taking a few days off. I knew I would regret it if she passed away and I wasn't there. I would be the one to live with that guilt, nobody else. I was doing this for me.

My mind drifted to Ace and I subconsciously licked my lips thinking of the previous night. He had kissed me. It was the greatest feeling I had ever experienced, his soft lips pressed against mine in a passionate embrace was more than I ever expected.

Of course, after one of the greatest nights I have experienced. I get a call from my estranged sister, informing me of my mother's impending death.

Part of me wanted to call Ace and confide in him. If I went back home for a few days, he would probably wonder where I was. Or am I just assuming he would give a shit if I wasn't at work for a few days?

I shook my head and continued walking, there were only a handful of people around. After all, it was before seven on a Saturday morning, who in their right mind would be up at this time anyway?

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