Let the Countdown Begin

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"So should I start, or you?" I asked as we stepped outside into the back yard.

He sighed heavily as he removed his suit jacket (tossing it onto a lawn chair), loosened his tie, undid a couple of top buttons and removed his cuff links before rolling up his sleeves. "I'll start."

We began walking and instead of holding my hand (like I had so desperately wanted him to) he kept his hands in his pockets.

"After I was officiated as Alpha I knew what needed to happen after." He sounded. "To be honest it's something that I've been stressing over for a while now...not that I'm an impatient man or anything, and I love you..."

He was rambling.

'Mate's nervous.'

I stepped in front of him making him stop and look at me, "whatever it is we can work it out together my love." I said as I held his wrists (since his hands were tucked in his pockets).

He smiled down at me softly, the light from the half moon in the sky shinning down on us.

"I know it's something we haven't actually taken the time to talk about one on one, but to be honest I have been purposely taking more runs that usual."

I still had no idea what was bothering him.

He must've seen my confusion still, he removed his hands from his pockets before taking a hold of my own hands properly, he let his thumbs gently caress the back of my hands and I smiled.

"Since the day you've accepted me as your mate my wolf went into hyperdrive." He confessed, "as a male Were that only means that I feel the need to constantly protect you, and be close to you in every way possible...and then we had sex..."

My face flushed with heat as the memory of our first time together came to the forefront of my mind.

I hadn't realized I had closed my eyes until I had felt his large hands on either side of my face, lovingly caressing my cheeks.

"Because of that, my instinct to mark you has been at an all time high."

My eyes flew open, I remember only weeks ago when we spoke over dinner, he had mentioned stressing over animalistic urges but dropped the subject all together.

"...And now because of our positions as the new Alpha and Luna (to be) of this pack, we have until the end of this week to mark each other."

"Not exactly romantic is it?" I teased trying to lighten the mood.

He shook his head seriously. "I'm sorry love, I should've done it sooner, on our terms...and now we have to mark each other because we're being told to."

My wolf internally howled with sadness, we hated seeing our mate upset.

"My Love... it's something that would've happened anyways right." I offered as I tried to ease his mind as best I could. "Last week, this week...as long as it's your mark I don't care when you decide to mark me."

He nodded, "there's more, I also have to find a Beta, I think I have a guy in mind but I haven't really been in his life for a few years."


"My cousin Jaxon...did I ever mention that my mom's a twin?"

At this Dean held out a hand toward me and I gladly accepted it as we stepped forward. He went on to tell me how Lola and her sister Liz were identical twins and all their lives they had done the exact same things down to marrying men with strong bloodlines and both having one child, sons.

"My cousin's name is Jaxon Hemlock, growing up people use to think that we were twins as close as we were, but of course his Dad revamped their family business and essentially they were called home back to their pack more often and before you know it, we would only see each other on holidays."

"If you're distant now, how do you know he'd make a good choice for Beta?" I asked careful not to make it seem as if I were undermining him.

He shrugged, "he was there the night of your presenting to my family, when you and my mother disappeared we caught up and it was as if no time had passed at all." He admitted.

"Well I'm glad you've found someone so quickly."

"Well I can offer it to him, but as we both know, he can very well turn it down."

We walked a little more in a comfortable silence just him and I, and then I remembered the councilman had mentioned something else.

"What did the council member mean when he brought up 'modern traditions and familial lines?'"

Even in the darkness of the night shrouding us I could swear I saw a distinct flash of a blush dust Deans cheeks just under his well maintained scruff.

"Well modern traditions are things that all Weres don't do, only some choose to partake in these things."

"Is it something you would want us to do?" I asked completely unsure what he was still talking about, but of course being his mate I'd do just about anything for him.

Once again that unfamiliar embarrassment seemed to touch his face, "well I would hope so, I mean it's completely up to you, and of course I'm gonna ask you and all but you know, you're the one who has to agree to it."

"Dean what in the hell are you actually talking about?" I finally asked feeling more confused than ever.

"Cassandra love, when the councilman spoke of modern traditions he only meant marriage...not all Weres see the point in getting married when they know they have mates, it's going to be forever anyways." He filled me in and then turned and stopped us from walking, once again he caresses my face sweetly as he cradled my cheek in his palm, "as I've stated my love, I have every intention of asking you to be my wife some day, and hopefully you'll say yes...but this is the one thing I personally refuse to rush on."

I was so touched, everything seemed to be happening so fast and I loved Dean more and more knowing he was still trying to give us time and choices when it came to certain aspects of our life.

"Alright." I said feeling like my old self again, "and what about that last bit, the familial lines part?"

He gave me a look as if to say it should be obvious.

"Well as the leaders of this pack, you and I have many responsibilities: well being and happiness of our people being the main concern, but also beginning to structure a new lineage of alphas for this pack, essentially meaning we need to start making kids...sons more specifically."

'How archaic!'

'He can not be serious.'

'I mean I'm only 18 for crying out loud!'

'Boys, what if all our kids are girls?'

'Do I even want kids?'

My inner dialogue ran rampant with fear fueled thoughts but I remained silent on the topic, how could I tell my Mate that I may or may not want to have kids?

"You ready to head upstairs love?"

I simply nodded, I didn't bother looking at him or saying anything because I knew both my voice and eyes would betray me.

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