Bonding Time pt One

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The next morning Dean and I didn't say much as he dropped me off at school on his way to work. When we reached the school I kissed him (one peck per our new routine) and wished him a good day, he promised to pick me up or call me otherwise, then he took off.

Now that Dean drops me off I get to school earlier, But being the great friend that she is, Stephanie decided to also come to school earlier to spend time with me.

Just as Stephanie was getting off her car my phone began to ring. It was a number I didn't recognize but I answered it anyways.


"Good morning darling Cassandra!" Lola sounded excitedly.


"Oh my dearest I hope you don't mind, I begged Dean for your number...anyways my sister is in town and I was hoping that she'd be able to meet you outside of being with all the men, so I suggested that we have brunch this morning."

"Oh Lola I can't." I sounded.

Of course I wanted to meet Lola's sister, I wanted to see if she was just as eccentric and zany as my potential mother in law.

"Oh I'm sorry my darling, did I wake you?"

Just then Stephanie made her way over and say with me on the bench. She made a 'what's up?' face and I motioned for her to listen.

"No Lola you didn't wake me, I can't make it to brunch today because I've just gotten to school."

"Oh Cassandra dear, playing hookie once in a while won't kill you, please join us?!"

Stephanie was nodding her agreement already, "fine...but I'm bringing a friend."


She gave me the address and Stephanie smiled from ear to ear as we made our way to her car. Once inside I pulled out my phone and text Dean.

[Cassie: Skipping school to hangout with your mother and aunt...I'm assuming your cousin is also in town? Anyways you don't have to pick me up i'm sure one of them will give me a ride home my love.]

As Steph drove toward the address we were given, we talked about what we would possibly miss today at school and then Stephanie asked if I had talked with Dean about the stuff we had talked about the day before.

I looked at my phone wondering if my text had gone through since he hadn't text me back. "No, he was too busy with work for anything else last night."

She only nodded, but I knew my friend well enough to know she had something she wanted to ask, she was only holding back to possibly spare my feelings.

As we parked I finally got a text back.

[Dean: Alright]

I rolled my eyes.

"Everything okay?" Stephanie asked.

"It's perfect just seems like my mate is too busy for me these hello it isn't like we are suppose to be doing certain things on a certain time frame or anything...but he's the alpha so I'm sure he knows what he's doing." I ranted.

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