Meet and Greet

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Once I told Steph bye I finally went back home and thankfully Dean was already there.

"Hey love," he sounded as he greeted me in the foyer. "I feel like it's been forever since we've had a run together.

I smiled, "I could definitely go for a run with you."

We made our way out the back door and into the backyard before we let our wolves take over.

. . .

"I thought we'd have a little cocktail hour tonight before dinner." I said as I helped myself into his flannel.

He smiled at me, "that's fine."

"I mean I figured we could use the time to let you talk one on one with Jaxon and Steph and I could entertain whatever girl he brings tonight."

He shook his head, "Jax isn't bringing a girl, no surprisingly he is bringing his Alpha along, which is great I've been wanting to sit with Alpha Carter and discuss possible alliances...of course I won't get my hopes up though."

I kissed his cheek, "work work you think you could find a little time for your mate?" I asked suggestively.

His eyes immediately began to darken as he chased me up the stairs and into our bedroom.

About a good forty minutes later we finally exited our bedroom, of course Dean was ready for the events of the evening as he wore a handsome navy suit tailored to fit his body like a glove.

I on the other hand stood there staring at the gowns my future mother in law had purchased for me, contemplating what would be best for this evening.

'Look best for mate.' My wolf put in.

I nodded, "I also have to look nice for another alpha, don't want him to think Dean's got some homely Luna now." I replied.

My hand pushed each gown back to inspect it before moving on to the next and I finally settled on a peach colored lacy cocktail dress. I knew the flesh colored tone would be tempting to my mate's wolf and I smirked.

A knock on my bedroom door sounded and I knew immediately it would be Steph.

"Come in!" I shouted as I began to step into the dress.

"Knock knock." She sounded just outside of the closet.

"You've got perfect timing, could you do me up?" I asked, there was a small clasp right above the zipper that was tricky for me.

She obliged and as soon as she was done I turned to see her in the familiar red dress. It was body hugging and definitely something I wasn't use to seeing her in.

"You look drop-dead gorgeous Steph."

She actually blushed a little, "still feels a little weird wearing something like this...I mean it kinda shows everything off."

"While also keeping everything hidden." I pointed out of the vivid bodycon dress. "It's got quarter sleeves and falls under the knee so you're not even showing off your fricking shoulders or thighs."

She laughed a little, and messed with her necklace, a nervous tick of hers.

"Hey you look great and I am going to do everything to keep your spirits up tonight." I tried to reassure her.

"Thanks Cassie." She smiled.

Soon we joined Dean in the living room and he poured us some wine, I was actually a little surprised to see Stephanie accept the drink welcomingly. I was use to having wine with my parents but I knew Steph was a complete novice since her parents essentially kept her under a rock.

She took small sips and we made light conversation with Dean. Almost twenty minutes later the door bell rang.

"If you two will excuse me." Dean sounded before he left Stephanie and I alone.

I smoothed out my dress a little and looked over at her, she unknowingly adjusted her hair and rolled her lips to make sure her lipstick was still fine.

Dean showed in Jaxon who hugged him in a brotherly fashion, followed by another man. He was just a touch taller than Dean, blonde hair, blue eyes, every bit a stand-up looking guy. He gave a small smile when shaking Dean's hand.

"Alpha Carter, what a pleasure to have you here tonight." Dean said as he walked the two men over toward Stephanie and I, "please allow me to introduce my mate Cassandra."

"Luna Cassandra, the pleasure is all mine." He said politely.

I smiled and shook his hand in return, "you are too kind Alpha, please...this is my best friend Stephanie Marshall." I gestured.

He moved and took her hand into his and smiled, "how lovely you look Ms Stephanie."

She smiled at him in return, "thank you Alpha Carter."

His smile widened before he turned to see the guys once more, "Luna Cassandra, if you wouldn't mind me imposing on your politeness...I believe your Alpha and his cousin have some business to attend to,"

He was definitely charming, but in a non-offputting sort of way. "Of course not, can I get you a drink?" I asked as Dean motioned for Jaxon to follow him into the office.

"No thank you, I'm actually not much of a drinker." He admitted, and there was something in his admission that came off as a little nervous. It seemed that Alpha Carter seemed to be macho and cool around the guys, but when left with us girls he was a little insecure.

"Well I'm going to check on the dinner and I'll be right back...if you'll both excuse me."

"I'll come with you!" Stephanie sounded as she placed her glass down.

I nodded and smiled, "Alpha Carter, please make yourself at home."

Stephanie and I made our way into the kitchen but before I could say anything she completely lost it.

"Oh my goddess, I can't believe it!"

"What?!" I asked.

"Shhh...he'll hear you." She whispered...she was completely freaking out.

"Stephanie," I whispered to appease her, "whatever it is I'm sure we can figure something out."

She looked at me, "Cass , Alpha Carter is my mate."

I looked at her in awe and smiled, I wanted to squeal with delight at my best friend finally finding her mate...then realization set in.

"He lives in another town...what are you gonna do?" I asked.

She shook her head, "I don't know, but I guess I don't really have to worry too much about it...I mean I only just met him right, it's not like he's claimed me as his mate or marked me or anything."

I nodded along with her, but what I didn't point out was that unlike just any ordinary guy, Carter is an Alpha...and an Alpha needs a Luna, and the best Luna's are an Alpha's Mate.

Suddenly the sound of a throat being cleared came from behind us.

We both turned to see him.

"If I may, could I please speak with Stephanie alone?"

I didn't dare protest, and neither did Steph as she followed him out the back door and into the backyard.

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