Bonding Time pt Two

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After brunch we all headed over to the pack house (I still feel weird calling it MY house) and talked about various things.

"So Liz, may I ask what brings you to our pack?"

She smiled sweetly, "well it's been too long since I've gotten to visit my sister...but of course we are all so proud of Dean so we've come to celebrate his rise to power, of course it's a position that always should've been his being a Giles and all."

"We should have a pack party." Stephanie announced.

"Of course miss Stephanie is absolutely correct." Lola clapped excitedly. "Cassandra my dearest just get the okay with Dean and then Liz and I will organize everything."

I nodded, "I'll talk with Dean about it." The women all looked at me waiting for me to do as I said. I had planned on talking with him tonight possible during dinner, "I suppose calling him now wouldn't hurt."

Once again I pulled out my phone and this time I called Dean.

It rang about four times before he actually answered. "Cassandra?"

"Hello my love," I said with a slight blush because the women giggled as they listened on.

"I'm sorry love but I'm really busy right now, is there something you needed to talk about?"

"Oh well I won't keep you long, I was just wondering...since your aunt is in town with her family, why don't we have a pack party this weekend?"

"Yeah, that's fine." He chuckled. "Look at you, your first official act as Luna, I'll see you later...I love you."

My heart fell, "I love you too."

I hung up and felt crappy, I wanted my first act as Luna to be productive and something worth remembering like the Werewolf lessons Stephanie and I had talked about, only Dean was too busy for me to bring it up last night.

"So did he say yes?" Lola asked.

I nodded, "he's fine with it."

After that the three of them got into planning mode, Stephanie feeling comfortable around them as much as I should, but I couldn't help but feel like an outsider looking in.

Before I knew it every detail was finalized and the women were bidding me a good evening.

"I can't wait until Saturday." Liz said, "oh I can't wait to see everyone again."

Liz and Lola left and shortly after, So did Steph and soon I was by myself. After finishing up some school work I had left from the day before I wondered around a little. Cleaned up the bedroom and then I had ordered pizza for dinner (using the new bank card that Dean had given me) and no sooner than it arrived so did Dean.

He told me hello in the most familiar fashion.

His arms snaked my waste and when I kissed him he actually let it grow.

Our kiss became a steamy impromptu make out session and the pizza was all but forgotten as the box laid on the floor by the front door.

Luckily we were home alone otherwise when Dean decided to use the decorative antique table that sat in the foyer as a pedestal in which to sit me upon (to make undressing me easier) it would've been very uncomfortable.

I missed this.

This was what I had greedily grown so use to with my mate. He could mark me right now and I wouldn't even care.

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