Not a Giles

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I sat there in Deans office with my head in my hands, 'what have I done?'

I'd just sealed a guy's death certificate without even a second thought.

I sighed and closed my eyes before I shook my head clear of any and all thoughts.

No easy feat considering I was worried about my mate recovering soon, the well-being of the pack and now Jace's ultimate death.

But with a few deep breaths I was finally able to clear my head, open my mind and speak.

I don't know how I knew it was working, only that it was...I thought about the words I wanted to say and they echoed aloud in my head.

Soon the whole pack knew everything that was going on.

{{ Today our pack was tested in strength as our Alpha and Beta were ambushed. But these rogues will soon learn that the OnyxStone pack is not one to be tested...our pack is strong and with the help of one of our allies we will find all involved in today's actions against our Alpha and Beta. As your Luna I will do everything to keep you all informed and more importantly safe...I'm asking all of you to act smart, this means travel in groups when you can, and being in your homes before dark until this threat is properly dealt with...if any of you need something please feel free to reach out to the pack house, thank you. }}

I cut the connection and opened my eyes and honestly didn't know what to do next.

A soft knock sounded before it opened and my best friend stuck her head in.

I smiled, "come on in."

"I, well I obviously heard the Luna's mind link."

"Just glad it went through." I admitted with a heavy sigh. "Steph...I don't know what the hell I'm doing."


I shook my head and cut her off, "I mean it Steph...I'm eighteen years old and right now I'm the sole person in charge of every single man, woman, and child here in this pack...every single decision I make can impact them."

She just sat there and let me get my worries out.

"It's only until Dean and Jaxon are better." She offered.

I shook my head. "But it isn't...don't you see, so long as Dean is the Alpha of this pack I will always be the Luna, a role I gladly accept but one that has me looking at myself and my actions."

"Cassie...what's wrong?" She asked worriedly now.

"Steph...I told my men to find Jace, but instead of telling them to bring him back here to await the council's punishment...I told them to kill him."

"You had a decision to make...and now it stands...I'm sure the council will understand."

"I hope so." I said before we both left the office.

My mom hugged me and I told them everything.

"...You're the Luna and this is your pack, as the current leader of this pack I believe you were in the right when you chose to have Jace taken out for good." Mr Giles said firmly. "who's to say he wouldn't just do this again?"

"Fred is right baby girl." My dad put in, "He's not Jace anymore...he is a marked rogue who attacked our Alpha."

Everyone in the room seemed to all nod in agreement with them but to be honest it didn't help to make me feel any better.

"I'll be back." I said as I needed to get out and clear my head, "I have to go pick up Dean's medicine." I said.

"Please let me come with you." Lola sounded sweetly.

I couldn't help but smile even a little at much as I didn't want to be around a lot of people I also knew that I probably shouldn't be left alone right now...even more so since I had just asked everyone else in the pack to travel in groups.

So together we took off and headed into town.

Once we walked in I went straight to the pharmacy counter while Lola looked around.

"Hello Luna." A young woman sounded cheerfully.

"Hi...Uh, Doctor Conroy treated the Alpha earlier and said he'd call the prescription in." I said before giving the girl Dean's full name and date of birth for verification.

"Uh..." She suddenly sounded nervously.

"Did he not call them in yet?" I asked worried, I knew Dean would need his pain medication if he couldn't shift to ease his suffering.

"No he's just...well, with a prescription like this, because it can be sold as a's just...well either the patient or a family member can only pick up this medication."

A low growl escaped me and I quickly apologized. "I'm sorry, I know it isn't your fault...just protocol." I said before I shook my head and turned to find Lola.

I walked around the drugstore before I found her in the feminine aisle.

"I've always thought it quit humorous that they keep the condoms, sanitary napkins, and pregnancy tests together...almost as if to say if you don't use these." She said holding up a box of condoms, "You won't get this and end up needing one of those." She said using the condoms to point at the pregnancy tests.

I smiled and shook my head as I took the condoms from her and put them back.

"The meds not ready?"

I shook my head, "Apparently I'm official enough as Dean's mate to run the pack for him...but I'm not official enough to pick up his medicine...goddess forbid he had to go into the hospital, I'm sure they wouldn't have told me anything...Luna or not, it's not exactly a wife."

"It's quite alright Cassandra dear...I'll be right back." Lola said softly.

I stood there for whatever reason just looking at the pregnancy tests...Dean and I have talked about marriage and kids, and we'd both thought we could wait...enjoy just being with one another...But the pharmacist had brought to light the reality of not being married to Dean...and now I was worried.

'What if the Council find out I'm running the pack but I'm not Dean's wife?'

'Technically I haven't even been presented to the pack I even officially the Luna?'

It was all I could think about until we got back into the car and I voiced my concern with Lola.

"Oh honey, The council don't care if people are married, as sad as that sounds...they only require an Alpha to have a that is marked and poised for offspring."

I sighed heavily.

"I couldn't help but notice you were looking at them." Lola said of my looking at the pregnancy tests when she left.

"Only thinking..." I said before I quickly added to that so she wouldn't get the wrong idea. "Dean and I have talked about marriage and children, but we'd both like to wait."

She looked at me, smiled, and then shook her head.

"What?" I asked.

"You kids always think you can wait or plan these things out...but these are both matters of the the heart and the wether you've 'talked and decided to wait'" she said using air quotes "It's really not up to either of you."

"I'm pretty sure Dean can decide when he wants to propose."

She shrugged, "I suppose he can...but he won't wait long once he finds out you're pregnant."

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