Time to Talk

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Later that evening I found Dean sitting in his study, brow furrowed and deep in thought as he stared at his laptop screen.

"Knock knock." I said lightly from the open doorway.

He looked over at me and his handsome smile pulled at his cheeks, my heart melted a little at the fact that he still looks at me as if he were just finding his mate for the first time.

"Hey love." He sounded as he closed his laptop and patted his leg.

I walked over to him, "didn't mean to disturb your work." I said as I stopped at the edge of his desk and just stood there, I didn't sit on his lap as he had suggested only because I knew it would lead to something more (and as much as I might like some fun time with my mate, we needed to talk), I didn't miss the hint of sadness that lingered in his eyes afterward.

"I was just finishing up anyways, how can I help you babe."

I always disliked when Dean called me babe now, it felt like he was taking a step backwards from us, like he didn't want to show his full affection for me but also didn't want to hurt my feelings so he chose to use the generic pet name.

"W-well, quite a bit has happened these last few weeks, I think we need to take a timeout of everything really quick and just talk." I said rather timidly. What if he thought the idea was silly, say something like 'babe we talk all the time' or 'babe I've just been really busy.'

I waited on bated breath for him to say something.

He sat back in his chair, pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a deep sigh, "I should've seen this coming."

I remained silent as I didn't really know what to say to that statement. Did he think I was about to chew him out over working all the time or something?

"Cassandra I love you, and as much as I would like to be selfish and keep you for myself...I promise I won't try and stop you from leaving."

Now I was completely confused.


"I knew it was only a matter of time before it became too much for you."

I hadn't realized how perceptive he was, I mean I had literally told Stephanie I didn't want to be Luna but I hadn't really noticed I was being so obvious about it.

"You're right." I agreed sadly, "it is a lot to deal with, I didn't exactly ask for this and the whispers and looks in the halls at school don't help much either...but at the end of the day you're my mate, and it comes with the territory right." I smiled off at the end. I wanted him to know that I didn't ask to be Luna but as long as he is the Alpha I would stand by his side proudly.

"I didn't realize you were being harassed at school because of it."

I shrugged, "I wouldn't exactly call it harassing, more like bored teens talking about things they know nothing about."

He remained silent and nodded. "I made my selfish decisions and everyday I have to live with those choices along with reliving that day over and over again...I won't make you stay with me Cassandra, I love you but it's over."

For a minute that felt like a lifetime I was frozen with confusion and utter sadness.

I felt like my heart had literally been ripped right out of my chest and beaten into the ground with a meat tenderizer, large tears filled my eyes to the brim until they spilt over without notice, my voice stuck in my throat but it was probably a good thing as the only sound I more than likely would've gotten out would have been an ear splitting, glass shattering scream as my soul ripped into two.

'How could Dean do this?'

'Why is he doing this?'

I thought I had made it clear that despite not wanting to be the damn Luna I would do it for him.

"Y-you don't have to leave or anything, stay here as long as you'd like...always know that I'll love forever-"

I slapped the shit out of him, I swear I hit him so hard across the face that my hand HAD to be broken.

Confusion crossed his face as the same sadness remained in his eyes.

"Fuck you Dean Giles...you are a complete idiot if you think I'm just going to let you break up with me...I'm your mate for fucks sake, does that mean nothing to you?!"

"Of course it does Cassie, I love you."

I let out a humorless chuckle "sure do have a shitty way of showing it."

"The reason I'm breaking up with you is because I love you and I don't want to make you live with a guy who got his best friend killed."

Silence encompassed me.

"Is that what you were talking about?" I asked much softer now that my wolf was under control once more (she had awoken with a fury at the thought of our mate leaving us).

"That's what you wanted to talk about right, how being with a best friend killer is a lot to deal with, you also mentioned people were talking about it."

I shook my head, "no Dean I was talkin about being Luna, it's tough and I didn't ask for it but for you I'd be the best damn Luna ever if it made you proud of me...and people are talking about how I'm a social climbing gold digger, if anything I've heard someone say they can't understand how you're still with me since I'm the reason Ryan died...so if anything I'm the killer, not you."

He sat back into his chair (haven risen to stand when he tried to breakup with me).

"I guess we do have a lot to talk about then." He said.

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