Girl Talk

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After heading upstairs Dean and I got into our nightwear of choice. Dean immediately got into our large bed but I held back a moment longer, "i'm going to get a bottle of water."

"I can get it for you love." Dean said as he began to get out of the bed.

"No it's fine, I'll be right back." I replied, already turning to leave the room. I took my time going down the stairs, and once I made it to the kitchen I did in fact take a bottle of water out of the refrigerator. I wasn't thirsty but took a sip anyways, I looked around the finely setup kitchen then padded toward the grand dining room. Next I found myself walking around our main living area.

Time seemed to pass me by as I wandered aimlessly throughout the house, trying to make it seem more real that this is MY house, that I AM going to be the Luna of this pack.

But deep inside I still felt like a confused teenager who was playing grownup in a house not really suited for me.

When I finally returned to the master suite I found Dean already fast asleep. I crawled onto my side of the bed and laid awake for several hours wondering if I'd be a good enough Luna for this pack, if I'd be a good mate for Dean...or if I'd just be a disappointment all around.

I couldn't tell you when sleep finally came but all I remember was waking up several times throughout the evening with the same nightmare: me giving birth to a third daughter and seeing the disappointment written clearly on Deans face as I had let him down yet again.


"Girl you know I love you...but you look like shit." Steph sounded as I grabbed my books from my locker.

"I couldn't sleep last night." I grumbled.

She nodded, "if you want we can ditch third and have a run...every since I shifted I find running helps me think."

I blushed with embarrassment, "is it bad that I still can't control my shifts?"

'A Luna who can't shift on command.'

She shook her head no. "My mom was basically a drill Sargent when it came to me shifting...she's always telling me 'you never know when you'll have to shift and you don't want to stay stuck in your animal form' it was horrible having to do it over and over." She filled me in with a slight roll of her eyes at the end. "But i'll help you Cass."

"Staying in wolf form doesn't sound so bad." I put in, I knew she would pick up on my mellow dramatics.

"It may seem like a good alternative than to face your problems, but stay in your wolf form too long and you'll become wild."

Now I shook my head, Stephanie and I had been raised together our whole lives and it seemed like she knew more about being a wolf than I did. "I swear there should be some sort of wolf 101 course that every new wolf has to take...they could learn about the do's and don'ts of shifting, how to shift, the importance of waiting for their mates, and anything else they might have questions about like mating and why we do it." I said, knowing I could sure use this class right about now.

Stephanie only smiled.

"What?" I asked.

"Cass you're going to be the Luna, this is your pack...if you want a Were-101 class then just do it, I can hardly see Dean telling you no."

"You don't think it's a silly idea?" I asked a little unsure.

"Not at all." She said wholeheartedly. "Trust me, I would've rather been in that class than have my mother yelling at me twenty-four least then I wouldn't have felt like I was the only one going through these things."

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