Chapter 2 - Caleb

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Your comments make me feel guilty if I don't update so well here goes nothing. Delilah's outfit on top.


Chapter 2 - Caleb
The next morning I woke up early. Another day of high school. How I wish this got over sooner. I mean I hate this shit! Why do people have to make such a big deal out of high school?

Like grow up, get mature, get over it. I know the hormones are all over the place but come on, it's not difficult to chill out. Like what's up with teenagers these days? Relationships and Break ups. Like literally, these are the years to make sure you get into a good uni. Not to ruin your life.

"Caleb there is someone on the door for you!" Mom called.

"On the door... For me? Wait what?" I ran down the stairs and what I saw, astonished me.

In front of me stood Delilah. She was actually here! A smile formed on my face as I realized she was here to pick me up for school. And here I thought she was just another slutty girls.

"Hey, I'm kinda new with the roads, wanna drive along?" Delilah asked.

"Sure. We could grab some subway on the way?" I asked.

"Sure." She replied.

This was new for me. I bid a goodbye to mom, dad and Adele. We both sat in her car and she drove to subway. People would think that I'm an idiot to go in a girl's car instead of taking mine or letting the girl drive when I'm in the side. But I'm okay with it. Plus it looks like I'm getting my first Friend.

"Wait... How did you find my house?" I asked.

"Don't worry, I have my sources."


"So Caleb Henswood, tell me something about yourself." Delilah said.

"I don't know, like what do you want to know?" I asked.

"Okay about your parents."

"So, my parents Emily and Lucas Henderson are total high school sweethearts. They had their huge set of problems which they never talk about but they got over it and well here they are. Enjoying their happily ever after."

"That is so cute! I have always wanted to have a relationship that begins in high school so that there is a strong bond that keeps us together. I just love high school love." Delilah sighed.

My heart thudded in my chest and my breaths came shorter. Just this one statement made me think that I have a chance with her. She is so pretty. So beautiful. Not only on the outside but on the inside too otherwise she would never talk to me again after the whole lunch incident.

"Yea, it's pretty cute." I replied.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yup, fine."

We took take away subway and Delilah drove directly to school. So we then sat in the car and ate. The food was amazing as always. I mean I make good food but this is like crazy good because it is subway.

"Let's get going."


As we got out of the car, everyone was staring at us. Of course, I have been the social outcast for years and then suddenly today I enter with a pretty girl. It will be shocking to anybody. Then, her movement shocked me too. I didn't expect that.

She suddenly gripped my hand and pulled me into the school. She dragged me around and everything passed in blur because all I could see was her. Later we stopped at our common class, Sociology.

Although I'm a nerd, I hate sitting in the front row because it attracts too much attention. So well I took my seat at the back and Delilah sat beside me. This girl is already driving me crazy. I mean no girl has ever caught my eyes before her.

"You're lost again." Delilah whispered.

"Lost? Oh sorry." I spoke.

"Now now, Mr. Henderson I didn't know even you like disturbing the class." Sociology teacher said.

"Uh, I'm sorry Sir." I said.

"Detention to you two."

"Shit I'm so sorry." Delilah cursed.

"It's okay. At least I'll have company." I gave a sad smile.

Actually, I was horrified at the thought. It would be my first detention and it would ruin my chances of getting into a good university! I was panicking on the inside. Dad was no problem, he would be proud that I finally got detention but mom will be shocked.

Time skip to lunch

Lunch came too soon which meant that school was going to end soon and then I would have to face the horrors of detention. Delilah sat on my table and I saw Jack glaring at her.... Something surely happened.

"What happened between you and Jack?" I asked.

"He was being an asshole and Tobias found out."

"And.... Who is Tobias?" I asked.

"My brother of course!" She smiled.

"Well hello there." Said a foreign face after sitting on my table.

"There, Caleb Tobias, Tobias Caleb." Delilah introduced.

"Hey man." Tobias said stretching a hand forward.

"Nice meeting you bro." I said shaking his hand.

"My sister here told me about you. Is it okay if I sit with you guys? Everyone else is just too snobbish." Tobias said.

"Yup sure." I replied.

"But dude you have to admit there are pretty hot girls around. Like look at that one."

I chocked on my food as I saw where he pointed to. He was pointing at Adele. Delilah handed me some water while Tobias just looked at me weirdly. Little does he know.... She is taken after all.

"That's my sister."

"Oh fuck, sorry."

"No worries but just by the way, she is taken."

"All good ones are already taken. I just hope he is not." I heard Delilah mutter to herself.

My heart clenched in agony. She already likes someone. But why do I care? Because you like her idiot. Oh shit I like! But it's just the second chapter!

Lol it is just the second chapter but this guy Caleb is a sorted person but I assure you that Delilah will be thick enough and realize later. ADDDD ALL OUR MAIN CHARACTERS HAVE BEEN INTRODUCED! First is ADELE. Second is TOBIAS. Third is CALEB. Fourth is DELILAH. All the casting and stuff will be up in the next part.


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