Chapter 19- Tobias

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Happy Birthday XangelXwriterX!!! It's 12:00 am, 15th September 2016 where I stay.


Chapter 19- Tobias
What was I even thinking? How could I fall for someone. How could I love again? How could I trust anyone after how my mom and dad betrayed me? I haven't learnt anything. I'm still the stupid fragile child who let's people play with his heart.

How much ever I tried, I wanted to know who Blake is. Could it be the Blake I know? But then again there are so many Blakes it's impossible to judge. How would she even know Blake? Blake hasn't left his tattoo shop since forever. He literally comes out only for grocery shopping because he needs food to survive.

I drove to school already late. We had a team meeting for basketball today don't know if I have missed it. I just hope not otherwise coach is gonna kill me. I really want to make it to the playing five. I want to be there playing all 4 quarters but it's like daym difficult.

"Hi coach am I late?" I asked entering the practice area.

"I want 100 push ups, 100 pull ups and 50 rounds of the area. NOW."

And I got my answer. I was dam late. I heard coach discussing stuff with the team during my push up time. So basically we were gonna have the team captain selection today after school and there was a match in three weeks time. Which meant vigorous training.

"How were you late man? You were all set to leave when you came home." Caleb asked.

"I fell asleep when I went back home."

"Wayyy to go idiot."


"How was your day?" Delilah asked smiling.

"Why are you smiling so much?" I asked.

"It's normal to smile Tobi."

"Do not call me Tobi."

"Oh come on Tobi, did Del reject you?" Lila giggled.

"Do not!"

I banged my hands on the table and Delilah jumped in her seat scared by my outburst. I fisted my hands and walked out of the cafeteria. I have to control myself. I can't be angry whenever anyone talks about her. I went to the restroom and splashed water on my face.

The day passed by and then came the after sessions of basketball. We all have our best in today's game because we know the captain is gonna be selected. Everytime Austin is the captain. Since always it has been him so people think it's pretty obvious that even this time it will be him.

"Okay guys huddle up. I have an announcement." Coach Rahul said.

"Now guys I have the captain of the team. This year, just like always the captain has to be a very good team player. Personal game has to be strong but the captain should be able to play with the team."

"Coach say it already. We all know it is Austin." Michael smirked.

"This year, our captain is Caleb Henswood."

Silence. Everyone was so fucking shocked! I liked it. Austin's mouth was left ajar. The ex nerd and newly made jock had taken over his throne. I started clapping followed by several other players of the team except Michael and Austin. After school I drove straight to my house. I was about to get in when I heard Adele yell from her balcony.

"I really need to talk to you Tobias." She yelled.

"I don't think we have anything to talk about."

"Prince Charming please."

"Adele I think when you told me to stop calling you Cupcake, you lost the rights to call me Prince Charming."

"Tobias what happened was weird, even to me. I didn't even remember Blake till today."

"Adele, for the sake of our friendship, we can talk." I sighed and she opened the door to her house.

"Tobias I'm really sorry. I don't even know why we kissed. It all just happened."

Crack. Yup, that's my heart speaking. She doesn't even bloody like me. And me? I fucking fell for her. How could I be so fragile? I really need to man up and get my heart under control. I swear I'm going to make sure I don't fall for anyone ever again.

"Do you regret it?" I asked.

"What? Why-----"

"Do you regret it?"

"No! Of course not. It's just that it's happening all of a sudden and this is too fast. I don't even know you properly."

Okay I think she's bandaging my wounds.

"I kind of get it. But who's this Blake guy?"

"My ex."

"Do you still like him?"

"I don't know. Before I could understand my feelings, the stuff between us ended."

"Oh, okay."

"So friends?" She asked stretching her hand forward.

"Friends." I grinned like a kid.

2 weeks 2 days later (time skip)

Things are great. I'm getting a B in most of my tests, basketball training is okay and we are set for the match coming up in another 5 days, Delilah and Caleb are dating, Adele and I have become really close friends and she is also coming to school today because she healed quickly however she can't really put a lot of pressure on her ankle.

"Adele!" I yelled and honked.

"Coming you dummy!" She yelled from her balcony. About five minutes later she came down and got in my car.

"You can't wait can you?"

"Nope." I said and began driving.

"Patience is virtue."

"People who wait get things, but only those that are left by the one's who hurry."

We got out of the car and walked towards the school. That's when I heard someone call.

"Well hello Pikachu." A deep voice said. Adele swiftly turned around and ran towards the source of the voice. They hugged.

"Bulbasaur!!!!" She yelled.

The guy she hugged was none other than my tattoo parlor friend Blake Black..... Well Aphrodite way to mess up my love life.

#Click. *Blake enters* Wooohooo! Oops sorry. Ship sinking??? ;) Curse Aphrodite!!! Vote and comment.


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