Chapter 5- Adele

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Chapter 5- Adele
"Oh come on this one is nice!" Skylla said.

"No Sky! You have already worn this like twice!" I complained.

"Oh god I have only 2 hours left to dress up!" Skylla whined.

"Okay, sit down and let me search." I told her.

I ran through her wardrobe and finally found something I was looking for. A maroon high low skirt and black sleeveless zip up crop top. That I paired with black heels and metallic peach stud earrings (pic on top) Ahhhh.... Perfecto.

"This is awesome!!" Skylla grinned.

"Let's do you make up an then try it on." I told her and she nodded. We took about an hour and half and everything was done.

"You look fantastic!" I giggled.

"Thank you so much Del!" Skylla smiled.

"It is okay Sky. Now go enjoy your date. I have to leave too."

I left Skylla's house and then got in my car to go to my own. It was getting dark. I just want to reach home early. But sadly my car had to break down. Like yea that's amazing! (Note the sarcasm). I called the mechanic.

"Hey Dale, my car has broken down again. Could you come and get it?"

"Sure Del, text me your address and I'll pick it up. You can leave if you want." Dale said.

"Thanks Dale bye!"

I texted Dale the address and then started walking home. It was pretty late and I was freaking out because the roads were like empty and isolated. On my way I passed the club near the house and I saw a person. It shocked me.

"Caleb?!" I yelled.

"Ooooo..... Adeleee!" Caleb yelled.

"Are you drunk?" I asked approaching him.

"Drunkkk? Noooo! Iiiii aaammm sobeeerrr!" He giggled.

"Come on brother I'm taking you home." I sighed and helped him walk.

"You know what? I had the time of my life! That girl was so good in bed." Caleb smirked.

"Caleb you had drunk sex?!!!" I screamed.

"Oh calm own sister. It is no big deal."

"I know it isn't but for your sober self, it will be idiot!"

I quickly took him home and put him back on his bed. Thank god mom and dad are out on a trip otherwise mom would totally kick this guy's ass right now! I mean he had drunk sex! Even I'm not that stupid. That's when I got another call.

"Hey Adele." A voice said.

"Umm... Who is this?" I asked.


"I'm not gonna ask you where you got my number from because I know you won't tell me."

"Good choice."

"Why did you call?"

"There is something I have to tell you. Very important. Meet me at Starbucks, right now."

"Tobias if you are gonna confess love for me, let me tell you I'm taken."

"Oh come on Adele. I'm sure this is gonna interest you." With that he hung up.

Something that interests me? Hmm... I think I will have to pay him a visit then. I quickly pulled my hair back into a pony tail, grabbed my purse, grabbed my phone and rode my bicycle to Starbucks. I spotted Tobias already sitting in there. So well I sat opposite to him.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Hi." Tobias smiled back.

"So umm... What interests me?"

"Okay you might think I'm telling you a lie but this is true and I can show you proof."

"I'm confused." I said.

"Austin cheated on you Adele." This statement was followed by silence.

"You are kidding right?" I asked.

"No. I have proof." Tobias said.

"Show me." I demanded.

"Fine." He sighed and handed me his phone.

There was a video. A video of Austin with a girl. Who is the girl you might ask? Well well, none other than my best friend Lilly. That fucking whore! But Austin is a bigger fucking whore. I can't fucking believe this! That's right they are fucking! Do you get it? Never mind.

"When was this?" I asked in an oddly calm voice.

"During detention. Remember I left in the middle? I saw those two together and so I followed them. That's what I found."

"Thank you so much Tobias. I barely know you and you're already being an amazing friend."

"Will you forgive him? Ever?" Tobias asked.

"Not now. But after hearing his part of the story if I think that it is valid and that he's truly sorry, I will."

"Oh." He looked hurt?

"Why do you ask?"

"Nothing. But if you decide to forgive him but fallen out of love, call me. I can help." Tobias sighed.

"Out of love?" I asked confused.

"You will understand when the situation sets in. And when it does, call me. I will know just the right thing to do."

He put down the money for his coffee an left. Wait, how does he know I don't like people paying for me? I saw his retreating figure until it disappeared into the darkness. Then I rode back home in the chilly air. I definitely have to talk to Austin. He isn't getting away with such shit.

"Austin, you free?" I asked.

"No babe, I'm at Tim's we're having a boys night."

"Oh sure okay." I smirked.

If he's cheating on me, my guess is right now he is at Lilly's place fucking her. Well then let's get going! So I rode to Lilly's house and found Austin's car parked outside. Just perfect. I was about to ring the bell but I didn't.

I shouldn't go inside right now.... I should plan a revenge. He's cheating on me and if I go in right now, it will show that he had damaged me. What if I take revenge first and then revel that I know what Austin has done? Now I know what Tobias meant. Wanting to forgive him, not so much but 'falling out of love' yes.

Two can play this game Austin...

And bam! Another update is here and what is Tobias planning?!!!?? Any favorite characters yet?


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