Chapter 10- Caleb

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Chapter 10- Caleb
To say I was nervous would be an understatement. I was restless, curious and everything that screams tensed. I had never wanted anything this bad. I HAD to get selected in the team otherwise.... No, there is no otherwise.

How pathetic am I? I'm here doing all this for the first girl I like and you know the sad part? I can't have her. I can't have her and still I'm here waiting for the basketball selection results so that SHE thinks I'm not a talentless coward. Claps please.

"Okay boys we have the maximum selections this year because most of you are very talented." Coach Rahul said. (Rahul is the guy who was with Lucas and Emily in their basketball team)

"There are three. Tobias, Jem and Caleb. Welcome to the team. Change and meet me on the court in 10 mins."

No you guys this isn't a dream! I AM IN!! I GOT IN!! Tobias and I were beaming because we both got in! We quickly changed and geared up for the practice. It was vigorous training. I was very very tired. But it felt great.

"Hey Caleb, I'm hosting a party for all the newbies. Everyone is invited but the newbies HAVE to be there. You have to come mate. You're doing really well." Jacob the vice captain of the team said.

Party? A party with the seniors? The old me wouldn't think twice before saying a no. But now, will I say no? I have to bond with the team so that they when play they include me too. I have to attend this, even though my 'nobody' image will drown.

"Sure man. I'll be there."

"Not be there bro, we're leaving now. I mean once the practice is over."

"Okay sure." I nodded. When the practice came to an end. Tobias approached me.

"Mate Adele is injured."

Without listening to anything else I ran towards the sick bay of the school. I saw Tobias follow me. We both barged inside as I searched for Adele. She was on the bed with Delilah by her side. She clearly was in pain as her right ankle was covered in a plaster.

"What happened?" Tobias asked.

"She broke her ankle while doing the routine." Delilah said.

"Come on let's take you home." I said.

"How long before she can walk?" Delilah asked the nurse.

"Three weeks at least. Later she can walk but no cheerleading for about two more months." The nurse said.

"Don't you have to attend the party Caleb?" Tobias asked.

"Yes but mom and dad are not home. I have to take care of her." I said.

"No Caleb go. It's your first party. Go." Adele said.

"I'll take care if her. She's my friend after all." Tobias said.

I liked Tobias. Although he had this 'I am too cool for the world' aura, he's good at the heart. That's what matters right? Yea. So well I can go to the party and I know Tobias will take care of her. Right?

"Fine. Tobias she's very stubborn. So just make sure she rests." I told him before leaving.

I didn't even look at her. She was waiting for me to say something or make eye contact at least but I didn't. More like I couldn't. I couldn't see the sadness on Delilah's face. It was too much to take especially when it was because of me.

"Hey Caleb we're leaving! Follow our cars!" Jacob said.

"Sure man cool."

I quickly changed out of my basketball clothes into my normal ones. Then I drove behind Jacob and Michael's cars. That's right, the Michael Delilah likes. And I'm going to his party. I know, real cool but yea whatever.

Once we got there, the crowd started increasing. More and more people were coming in and most were from our school. Michael mentioned him and Delilah about two to three times in our conversations. So well they are together.

"Here, take it." Peter (guy in the team) said handing me a drink.

"Nahh man. I don't drink." I denied.

"Oh come on bro. Just once, it won't kill." Jacob spoke.

"Fine." It was just beer. I liked beer. Guessing that it was the first time I had beer, I felt pretty okay.

"So what do you have planned for us?' I asked Michael.

"Oh don't worry Caleb, tonight just let loose." Michael smirked.

Soon I was dragged up to a room and only very little of 15 people filled the room. Most of the guys were on the team and the girls were from the school. Everyone sat in a circle and I was sitting in between Jacob and some girl. I didn't fail to spot Delilah in the room though.

"Get ready for only dare!" Michael announced he was sitting beside Delilah.

"Only dare?" The chick beside me asked.

"Yea, instead of truth and dare, this will be only dare." Jacob said.

"Okay then......" And the game began.

The dares were crazy. A girl Leanne had to sit on Jacob's lap for the rest of the game, a guy went skinny dipping in the pool, seven minutes in heaven were just all over the place and not to mention the amount of times guys were dared to suck boobs and girls to suck dicks.

"Caleb, kiss Delilah." I froze. I saw Delilah and Michael stiffen too. This was actually happening.

I stepped in the middle of the circle and waited for Delilah to step in too. Once she did, I held her by the waist and brought her in closer. So many emotions were running through me. So many things in mind. Without paying any attention to any of it, I pressed my lips onto hers'.

Can't believe this is the 10th chapter. Like wow. I just started the book and have already come so far. I just hope the book is living up to your expectations!


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