Chapter 24- Adele

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Chapter 24- Adele
I didn't want to do what I did. And I agree I over did stuff but I don't know what it was. I mean I knew Tobias wouldn't agree to the last task and even if he did, I wouldn't let him do it.

I don't even know why I reacted that way. I just couldn't accept another person's ignorance. Yes I like attention but just normal attention like replying to my texts. First it was Blake and then Tobias. Something triggered. I forgave Blake easily because it had been so long. And Blake kind of diluted away from my life.

"Del. What you did was wrong." Caleb said.

"I know." I sighed.

"Don't worry. Just sleep it off maybe?" Caleb suggested patting my back.

"Yea. Maybe."

Caleb left the room and I fell on my bed. That's when I saw a text on my phone from Skylla. Ahhh... This chick has the perfect timings. No wonder I love her so much! I read the text.

Party tonight. Dress warm, pick you up in 10. -Sky.

I quickly wore some ripped jeans which were my favorite with a plain with tank top and a black cardigan. It's just a house party so well. As promised, I sneaked out of my house and waited outside for Skylla. Soon her car arrived and I got in.

"Outdoor party?" I asked excited.

"Yupp. It's going to be huge!" He giggled with excitement.

Three hours later

It has been three hours since I have come to the party and it's awesome!! I know I'm drunk because I feel so goooodddd! If I wasn't, then I'd feel bad because of all the mess in my life but nooo! I feel awesome!!!

The party bored me after a while. I was done drinking, done dancing on the table tops, done pranking and playing games too! So I decided to leave. No guys I'm not going to my place, I'm going to Tobias! He has to join my fun tooooooooooo!

I walked to his house because it is like what 10 minutes from here? After reaching his place, I knocked at the door and then rang the bell. A very sleepy Tobias opened the door and I giggled.

"Your house is next door." He said.

"I know!!! But letssss go have some funnnnnn! Get out of the house you idiot!!!" I giggled.

"Adele why are you so drunk?"

"Cupcake! That's my name!" I scolded.

"Adele go home and sleep." He sighed.

"No! No! No! Come out with me!!" I whined.

"Stop behaving like a kid Adele and go home."

"Butttttt Prince Charming come out with me!!! Pleaseeeeeeee." I made my best puppy dog face.

"Otherwise I'll go alone." I huffed.

"Okay fine. Good god, I'll come out with you."

I grinned from ear to ear. He changed out of his PJs and then came out with me!

"What do you want to do?" He asked.

"Ice cream." I smiled.

"It is 1:00 am Adele. No shop will be open."

"But I want ice cream." Tears blurred my vision.

"Okay okay don't cry." He sighed.

We walked down the street and we found an ice cream store but it was shut. We both started banging on the door to check if any worker is still inside so maybe we could ask for ice cream. Slowing the shutter opened.

"It's closed you idiot teenagers!" The worker yelled.

"You don't know who we are worker! I am the son of your boss!" Tobias scolded.

"Oh sir, I'm sorry. I didn't know. I'm new here."

I almost wanted to giggle. So many things could go wrong in this plan. Firstly we didn't know who the owner was. Secondly, we don't even know it the owner has a son. Thirdly this guy being a worker and not the owner was a complete guess.

"Let us in!" I played along. My drunk self so enjoyed this!

"Yes yes sure."

The guy let us in and we moved around looking at the variety of ice creams they had. I settled for cookie dough while Tobias took chocolate chips. Best part? We didn't have to pay an got out easily! When we got out we laughed like idiots.

After finishing our ice creams, I pulled Tobias to my backyard. There we both lay on the grass looking above at the sky. It was so pretty. The stars were so small but yet each one of them played a role in making the sky look beautiful. I held Tobias's hand and moved closer to him.

"I think we should go home." His breath hitched in his throat.

"No, let's be here. Forget whatever happened just today. Let's live in it."


I knew I wasn't drunk anymore. I just knew it. The hangover didn't come, the dizziness wasn't there.... Nothing. Just those butterflies in the stomach because of the guy next to me. I don't know what's my relationship with him, but he makes me happy. Just like that, listening to his steady breathing, I fell asleep.

The next morning he was gone. I was woken up by mom who was furious when she saw me sleeping on the grass. What hurt wasn't mom's yelling but the disappearance of Tobias. Did he actually just leave me and go?

But I knew this. I knew this would happen. Things weren't okay between us. And I remember telling him to quit all of it for ONE NIGHT. Only one night. I wish I had asked for more.... I sighed and went through my morning routine before sitting in Blake's car as he drove me to school.

"That shitty project starts today!" Blake groaned.

"What project Bulbasaur?"

"Pikachu, The Baby Project."

"Holy shoot! How did I forget?!!"

"Come on, it's not like we had to prepare for it."

"Yea, but anyways when does this start?"

"In the English lecture. Who's your partner?"

That's when it hit me harder. Project, class, partner........ Tobias! He is my partner for the project! Things are gonna get so awkward! How am I going to explain last night to him? Will he even do the project with me?

"Adele, you okay?" Blake asked.

"Yea, Tobias is my partner."

"Lucky you. I'm paired with that bitch Lilly. I swear her voice is so annoying that I might go leave her on the moon." Blake groaned.

"Serves you right." I giggled. This guy sure knows how to make me laugh.

I CAN NOT do long chapters! Sorry but this is it. That's how much I can put in a chapter and the real fun beings now! The baby project!!!!

Fangirl _Leo©

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