Chapter 6- Caleb

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Chapter 6- Caleb
I woke up to umpa loompas dancing in my head. Yea that was a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory reference. But seriously it felt as if beasts were invading my head. Even the slightest sound was sending my head on pain mode.

"Here, take this. You'll be fine." I head a voice say.

Without even seeing who it was, I popped the pill in my mouth and consumed a whole lot of water. The very same person handed me coffee and I drank that too. Finally then I was in a condition to look around me and notice what was happening.

"What happened last night?" I asked Adele.

"Caleb you were drunk out of you mind." Adele said.

"Wait, me and drunk?" That's when it hit me. The whole Delilah scene and then me going to the club and drinking. But after that.... Blank.

"What did I do?" I asked scared shitless.

"You had your first kiss Caleb and you had sex with a complete stranger." Adele told me.

"No, no, no! I did not loose my virginity!" I shrieked.

"It's not like you actually had a virginity because you are a guy Caleb. Virginity can only be taken away from the girls because in their vagina----"

"No stop! What did I do?!"

I wanted to die. Like literally. Die and just die. How could I? I promised myself I'd never turn to alcohol! I promised myself I'll live a life free of deathly habits. My first kiss, I lost it to a complete stranger and the worst part is that I don't even remember!

"Caleb, listen to. It's okay. Shit happens all the time. Just focus and chill okay? Now don't dwell on the past, get dressed because Delilah is picking you up right?"

Yup, there it goes. Another stab to my heart.

"No. Even if she comes home, tell her I left."

"But why would you do that?"

"Just do it Del. Please."

"Fine. Whatever is playing in that head of yours is wrong. " She said before leaving my room.

I sat on my bed replaying my useless life. What can I do? I have never liked a girl before Delilah, now that I finally like a girl I can't have her, I drank alcohol, I lost my first kiss and not to mention my virginity too. I might sound like a girl right now but all these things matter to me. A lot.

"What did you do Caleb....."

Deciding that there is no point on dwelling in the past, I showered and got ready. I have to ignore Delilah and for that I have to go back to being lonely and undiscoverable. This plan includes skipping lunch for library until Delilah forgets about me.

"Del you dropping me too right?" I asked her.

"Oh no, you can take my car and it is just come back from repairing."

"You are skipping?"

"No Tobias is picking me up."

"Austin is okay with that?"

"He can fucking shove his dick down his throat." With that she banged the door and left. Ohkayyy... What?

I feel my brain is too messed up to understand. So well I grab the keys to Adele's car and then drove it to school. Once I was done parking, I quickly moved to sociology avoiding any and everybody. But she is in my sociology class... As expected she comes and sits right next to me.

"Hey." She says with her beautiful smile.

"I need to focus." I reply turning my attention to the teacher.

"Are you okay?" She asked again but I didn't reply.

As the class got over, I quickly packed my stuff in the bag and then was the first one to rush out of the class. I could feel Delilah running behind me to catch up with my speed and so I ran faster. But she caught up with me.

"Caleb what's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing, just leave me alone."

"But can you please tell me what I did wrong?"

"Listen Delilah. You are a great person and stuff but stay the fuck away from me okay? I want to be alone!" I yelled. I saw tears in her eyes as she ran away.

She is hurting but she will get over it. Also least I won't have to see the two together. I can't do it. I'm being selfish but I have no other choice. Next was P.E. I absolutely hated P.E. All people do is that class is play basketball because that game is in fashion.

I mean I like basketball and everything in fact it is one of my favorites but I'll never be given a proper chance to play. The guys in the team always pick on me and the coach couldn't care less about me. But at home, mom thinks that I'm the basketball star. Little do they know......

"Hey look! The dumpster is back!" A guy commented.

"Hey dumpster!" Another guy said and hit me on the face with the ball. It hurts AF.

"Ohh look! The dumpster is silent today! Not crying are you?" Another one said.

I didn't respond. Then someone pushed me and fell to the ground, face first. Tears brimmed my eyes and my body was throbbing in pain. Ever one was laughing except one face. Delilah, she was looking at me with pain evident in her eyes.

I can not let her see me like this. I have to show then what I can do. I can't be helpless anymore, I have to stop this bullying. How? I will show these kids what real basketball is. It runs in my blood. So ladies get ready to be mesmerized and guys be jealous. Here I come.

Hey! Caleb is changing! Good or Bad change?


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