Chapter 27- Adele

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Chapter 27- Adele
"I swear I'll kill you!" I roared.

"You and your empty threats." He rolled his eyes.

"You realize that we're lost right?! Just give it to me so I can get the way back!" I yelled.

"Oh Pikachu don't you get it? I'm enjoying this!" He groaned.


Let me give you a a flashback on what happened. I know I have a problem to deal with right now but the author loves flashbacks... What can I say..... All up to Fangirl _Leo.


"This is so cool!" I cheered as Blake did a front flip in the water!

"Wanna learn?" He asked.


"So well it is pretty simple. Push yourself into the water and bend your knees so that you can turn 360°."

"Okay....." I tried it but failed miserably.

"Come on, try again, I'll push you this time." Blake promised.

I dove in once again and tried to push myself. Blake held my legs and bent my knees, his body pushed mine and I came up finishing the flip. I totally love this! Tobias then entered the water and swam towards me.

"What is he doing?" He asked with a blank face.

"Teaching me the front flip." I said.

"I'll teach you. He can go." Tobias said.

"No problem buddy, I got this." Blake said.

"No, it's fine. Let me do it." Tobias argued.

"Mate, let it be. I have this covered."

"Just understand man and fuck the hell off." Tobias growled.

"Tobias!" I scolded.

"He started it!" Tobias yelled.

"He didn't do anything. You came in and starting being all weird." I said.

"I'm not being weird!

"Oh I call this weird! Otherwise why did you rush in to teach me?! What's the reason?!"

"Because I li---- I---I---- "

"You what?!" I demanded but he fell silent. Then his face turned cold and he left.

The entire gang was staring at me. My expression changed from anger to sadness. They knew that staying here would be pointless. So all of us changed and walked towards the cars. Tobias wasn't there so everyone was searching for him. Meanwhile, Blake and I left.

"Let's get you some ice cream." Blake said.

I nodded. There wasn't any ice cream parlor nearby. In the search of ice cream, I fell asleep in the car. When I woke up, after about 30 mins, I found us on an unknown road.

"Where are we Blake?"

"Searching for the ice cream." He said.

"Are you sure we aren't lost?" I asked.


"Blake! Just use the bloody GPS."

"It might not be working...."

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