Missing something?

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Someone switch the lights off!!!!
I opened my eyes feeling still sleepy.
My head hurts!!! I looked around....this is not my room.
I sit up on the bed. Where am I? I don't remember anything. My head..it's pounding!!

"Oh...you are awake! Good morning!"a familiar voice said and I looked up at him.
Why is he here? And this isn't his house because I know what all the rooms at his house look like.

"Where are we?"I asked him looking around.
"My beach house."he said.
I looked at him shocked. When did I come here? I don't remember a thing. The only thing I remember is going to that bar. Aghhh....this head ache. I held my head.

"You have hangover because of drinking too much last night. Here, take this tablet, you will feel better."he said handing me some medicines with a glass of water. I just took it and swallowed.

"Thanks...."I looked at him.
I didn't notice that he just came out of the shower and his hair is still wet. He is almost naked except the towel tied around his waist and I can see his perfect eight packs. I never noticed that he is really handsome. That's the reason why all the girls out there are after him.

He cleared his throat and I looked up at his face. Oh god!!! I didn't realise, I was checking him out. I flushed deep red and bite my lower lip looking down at my hands. I hope he didn't noticed that. I heard him chuckling. I looked up and he smiled.

I forgot to ask him how I got here and how did he know that I was drinking last night.
I opened my mouth but he said before me,"Let's talk after you freshen up. I will wait for you at the dining table."
He winked and walked inside the walk-in closet. I blinked several times. He winked at me, why? Is there something that I missed?

I got up from my bed and went inside the bathroom. There's a bag there. I looked inside and saw a dress for me along with undergarments. It's my size, how did he get this right? He arranged dress for me to wear, how sweet! I took out the dresses. Did he bring this dress or did Maria send these? But, he wouldn't have told Maria, right? Because that way Vis will also know about the stunt I played last night.
I have a lot of questions to ask him. I better hurry up.

I got ready and went to the kitchen. Someone is humming. I went inside the kitchen and saw Mickey cooking while humming a song. I smiled at the sight. He looks so happy and cute. He has already dressed up in jeans and V-neck T-shirt and is wearing an apron too. I didn't knew that he can cook.

"Sit. The food will be ready in a while."he said suddenly and I stood surprised. How did he know that I was standing here when I didn't make any sound and he didn't trun around.
"I can sense you when you are near me."he said and chuckled.
I smiled still confused about the meaning of what he said and sat in one of the chairs. He continued to cook and hum.
"Thanks for the dress."I said.
"I asked my secretary's girlfriend to bring those for you."he said.
"She is amazing. She brought the right size."I said and smiled.
He turned to look at me and smiled. "I told her the size."he said and turned to do what he was doing.
I look at him surprised.
"How did you...."I was asking when he said,"I know everything about you."
What does that mean?

"The wait is finally over."he said turning around.
"Let me help you."I said getting up.
"No, I will do this myself. You just sit and enjoy the hospitality. "he said bringing the dishes and bowls to the table.
"I didn't knew you can cook."I said cocking my head to one side, giving him an amused look.
"You don't know a lot of things about me yet."he said and winked.
I looked surprised. There are things that I don't know about him? Really?

He sat down beside me.
"So, what did you cook?"I asked excited.
"See for yourself."he said.
I opened the lids of the bowls excited.
He made lasagne and sandwiches. These are my favourites but I like the lasagne that mommy makes and sandwich that Vis makes.
I took the food in my plate and tasted both the dishes. Wow!!!! These are just how I like them. I looked at him with wide eyes. He was looking at me nervously.
"So? What do you say?"he asked nervously.
"I love it!"I said smiling.
He sighed and smiled.
"Where did you learn this?"I asked him curiously.
"From your mom and brother when they used to make these for you, that time I learned by watching them."he said.
"Why?"only this came out of my mouth.
He looked at me. "You already know the reason."he said and smiled.
I gave him a puzzled look. I am missing something here. When did he tell me something about this?

"Anyways, Elsa called while you were sleeping so I answered it for you. She told me to tell you that Maria sent your bag with your books to her house. I guess you planned everything before going to the bar."he said.
"Yeah, I thought that I will go to Elsa's place after drinking a little."I said guiltily looking down.
"Did Elsa ask or say anything else?"I asked still looking down at my food. She must be really confused why I lied and why Mickey answered my phone.
"She said that she will talk to you in college."he said chewing his food.

I forgot to ask him how I came here.
"Mickey, how did you know I was at the bar and how did I come here?"I asked looking at him.
"You don't remember that you called me?"he asked surprised.
I shook my head.
"Well, you called me yesterday and you sounded drunk but refused to tell me where you were. It really took a lot to convince you and then I went there and brought you here as I couldn't take you to your home or mine."he said looking at me confused.
"Ohh. I am sorry. I won't repeat this ever again."I said embarrassed.
"I know that."he said and smiled.
"You remember what happened yesterday, right?"he asked nervously with hopeful eyes.
"I don't remember anything."I said smiling nervously.
"What?"he said and looked down sadly.
Why is he suddenly so sad? He was so happy since the time I woke up, what happened suddenly?
"Mickey, did something important happened yesterday?"I asked him.
"You don't remember then what's the use of asking that."he said with sorrowful eyes.
I don't like to see him like this. It hurts more than anything.
"But..."I said.
"Let's eat fast, then I will drop you to college."he said forcing a smile and continued eating.

"I will come to pick you up after college."he said as I got out of the car.
"Ok."I said still confused.
He just drove away without giving me another glace.
Why is he so sad? What exactly happened yesterday? I have to remember everything that happened at any cost. I can't see him sad like that.

"Hey! Su!"Claire called and I looked behind to see my three friends waving at me.
I sighed. I have a problem which has to be taken care of before that. How am I gonna answer their investigation? I walked towards them repeating what I will tell them.

I know you want Susan to remember the confession but I think it will take some time for her to regain her memories of that night.

It took Michael so much confidence to confess but Susan doesn't remember a thing. Will Susan remember what happened or will Michael be heart broken?

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