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Mickey is standing right infront of me, looking so handsome as ever.
I am standing at the altar with the flower bouquet and groom's ring in my hand along with other bridesmaids who are Ace's college friends while Mickey is standing next to my brother along with other guys who are brother's friends. I didn't get to talk to him as we both were busy.

He caught me staring at him and I blushed looking down.
When I looked up again I saw him staring at me.
We just stared at each other forgetting that a wedding is going on..that too our siblings wedding!!!
I feel like my eyes would say everything that I want to...I just want to hug him and tell him how much I love him...
"Sus.."Someone said and shook my hand.
I looked at Ace who gave me a confused look.
"Ring?"she asked and I immediately gave it to her. I looked at my brother who gave me questioning look and I just shook my head.
Then he looked at Mickey and gave him a confused look, he too just hurriedly gave him the ring and smiled nervously.
We both looked flustered and I bit my lower lip nervously while Mickey scratched his neck.
Thank goodness, that my brother didn't try to dig into this as he has to take vows and exchange rings.
"I now pronounce you as husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride!"said the priest and brother and Ace kissed while all of us clapped smiling.
Finally!!! My brother is married!!!!

Ace and Vis are dancing and they look so good and happy together. Perfect couple!
I didn't get the chance to talk to Mickey yet. I don't know if I will be able to talk to him or not...
"You know that the best man and maid of honour are supposed to dance, right?"someone said breaking my line of thoughts.
I looked beside me and saw Mickey. My heart skipped a beat.
"So..shall we?"he said asking for my hand. I put my hand in his and went to the dance floor.
He rested his one hand on my waist. I rested my one hand on his shoulder and other in his hand and we started dancing.
This is my chance!!! I have to take him away from the crowd and tell him how I feel...
I took a deep breath to calm my crazy heart...
"You know that your parents and mine got married here, right?"I said smiling.
"Yeah! I know!"he said and smiled.
"And now our siblings too married here."I said and he nodded confused.
"Don't you think the couples who took the vows here are still really happy and in love."I said. He nodded still confused.
"I was thinking that we should also follow this tradition and take our vows here in future when we marry. What do you think?"I asked him biting my lower lip.
He still gave me confused look. Seriously!!!
"Do you really handle that big business empire of yours by yourself? How many more hints do you want until you will figure out it's meaning?"I said rolling my eyes.
His eyes grew wide as he realised what I just said.
"Let's get out of here before you start jumping due to excitement."I whispered and we both sneaked out into the back garden.

We both smiled as we looked at each other.
"So? What did you exactly meant..."he said hesitating.
Susan! Just say it out! You can do this!
I took a deep breath.
"I love you!"I said and smiled.
He stood there surprised.
"I...I don't believe my ears...did you just say..."he said still not believing.
"!!!!"I said again smiling.
"Really??!!!!"he said and lift me up and swirl me around laughing brightly.
I giggled.
He put me down and looked into my eyes grinning from ear to ear.
"Say that again!"he said smiling.
I giggled.
"I love you!"I repeated again.
"Again!"he said and I giggled again seeing his happy and bright smile. This is the smile that I have never seen feels like he won the whole world right now...
"I love you! I love you! I love you!I love..."I was saying when suddenly he held my face with his hands and pressed his lips to mine.
I closed my eyes and kissed him back.
My phone rang and we broke our kiss.
I looked at the caller id and Big brother showed on the screen.
I glanced at Mickey and picked up the call.
"Sus!! Where are you??"asked my brother as soon as I put the phone to my ear.
"I...I went to the washroom..I am just coming back..."I lied.
"Ok. I was just worried when I didn't see you here. Come fast!"he said before hanging up.
"That guy!!! He can't just concentrate on his important day without worrying about his sister."Mickey said in a grumpy voice.
I smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek.
"Don't be like that. It's your sister's and my brother's wedding who are the two most important people of our life. So, let's go and be happy in their happiness."I said smiling.
"I am already really happy!!"he said hugging me and giving me a peck on the lips.
"I will go first!"I said and sneaked back inside smiling.

Once inside, I saw Vis dancing with mommy and Ace with her dad.
I smiled seeing them.
Someone put a hand on my shoulder and I looked beside me. Daddy smiled at me and I leaned my head on his shoulder.
Vis stopped and kissed mommy's cheek and then came towards me along with mommy.
"Come!"he said taking my hand.
Then I danced with Vis while Mickey with Ace.
We both glanced at each other and smiled.

I and Mickey came back to where our dads were talking letting the newly married couple dance together.
They smiled seeing us.
"So, Susan what are you planning to do next?"asked Mr. Wood.
"I.."I was saying when daddy said,"She is going to join my business. I opened a new office in Chicago. She is going there tomorrow and take care of that office." Daddy looked at me proudly.
"That's really good!"Mr. Wood said and I smiled.
I looked at Mickey who looked away.
I forgot to tell him such an important thing!!!
I think I made him angry!!
I will try to talk to him later. I hope he understands.

One more update!!!!😍😍
Finally!!!! Susi confessed!!!!😍😘 Mickey and Susi are together now!!! But, what will this Chicago thing bring in their lives??

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