My baby girl

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"Good morning, honey!"I said to Mickey.
"Good morning, love!"he said and came towards me. He gave me a peck on the lips.
Then he got on his knees and said,"Good morning, Baby!" and kissed my baby bump.
Mickey and I have been married for six years now, we got married two years after our engagement and we have been so happy and in love.
"Come and sit here. I will bring something for you to eat."he said and took my hand and helped me sit on the couch.
"Here, drink this milk!"My brother said giving me a glass of warm milk.
"I don't want to!"I said pouting.
"But you have to! Drink this then eat breakfast that cupcake is making."he said.
I nodded and took the glass.
"Why is your brother living in our house?"Mickey said rolling his eyes.
"That's because my baby sis is going to have a baby any time soon."he said.
"Your house is just across the lawn, you know. You can live there too."Mickey said.
"But, I want to live here and take care of her. And I think you won't be able to handle anything on your own."Vis said smiling at me.
"It's not the first time and so I can manage everything fine. I was nervous during our first baby and so I didn't have any problem when you started living here."Mickey said.
"I don't care what you feel or think."Brother said.
They are at it again!!! When they are together all they do is quarrel whenever I am involved. I don't know how to stop them!!!
"You both are just disturbing! I think it will be better if you both stop working from home and start going to office."Ace said entering.
"No! We won't disturb! Promise!"they said together.
Ace gave them a pointed look.
"Vik, let's go and give finishing touch to baby's room that we are making."Mickey said and they both went inside.
"Those two are never gonna change!"Ace said and we both started laughing.

Veronica and Stance have a daughter, Nina who turned eight this year. She loves me and Mickey as we are her godparents and we too love her a lot!! She was the first baby I held in my arms. She will always be special and close to my heart.
All of us friends got married in the same month but on different dates. It was the best month!!
Elsa and Adam have twin sons, Wyatt and Nigel who are five years old. Both of them are calm just like their parents.
Claire and Joey have two daughters, Hazel and Ava. Hazel is five and is really calm girl while Ava who turned four is the opposite. Ava is just like Claire, carefree and straightforward. She and Aaron my four year old son don't get along well and always fight. But, their fights are cute and adorable.
Molly and Josh have two kids, a three years old son, Zane and one year old daughter, Stella.
Life has been so blissful for all of us....

"Where are the kids?"I asked her.
"They..."She was saying when the three most naughtiest kids came running.
"Mommy!!!"said my four years old son, Aaron.
"Aunt Sus!!!"said my two nephews, six years old Noah and three years old Ryan.
"What is it?"I asked them.
"Mommy gave us cookies and we want to share it with the Baby!"said Noah.
"The baby also like to eat it, right?"Aaron said.
I and Ace smiled.
They must be naughty but they are the sweetest kids I know.
"Aunt Su, eat them!"Ryan said giving me the plate full of cookies.
"The baby is really small now, right? So, she will only eat one. Will that be ok?"I asked them sweetly taking one cookie from the plate. I really don't feel like eating cookies right now. Actually, I don't feel like eating anything. I feel kind of weird.
They looked at each other and then nodded smiling.
"Boys, let her rest now. Go and play somewhere else."Ace told them and they nodded.
They went to Aaron's room to play.
"You should eat breakfast now. Come."she said to me.
"I don't feel like eating."I said making a pleading face.
"No. You have to eat!"she said shaking her head and took my hand.
I got up and went to the kitchen with her.
I stood there leaning on the wall while she arranged the dishes on the dining table.
I really feel weird... stomach hurts.
"Ace..."I said in pain and she looked at me.
"What's wrong?"she asked worried and came towards me.
And my water bag broke..!!!!
Her eyes went wide and she held my hand.
"MIKE!!!!!! VICKIE!!!!!!"she screamed at the top of her lungs.
"It's alright...I am here...breath..."She said to me.
I took deep breaths.
They came running and the kids too.
"What's wrong?"they asked and then there eyes went wide.
"What should I do?"Vis said panicking.
"Is mommy in pain?"Aaron asked worried.
"Is aunt Sus not well?"Noah asked worried.
Ryan started crying seeing me in pain.
"What should I get?"Mickey said panicking.
Vis and Mickey started pacing here and there panicking not helping much.
"Aaaaaa!!!!!!"I screamed in pain clutching her hands tightly.
"STOP!!!"Ace shouted. Everyone stopped and looked at her.
"Vickie, go and get the car!! Mickey, help Sus to the car!!! Take her to the hospital, safe and quick! Got it?"She commanded.
"On it!"Vis said running to get the car.
Mickey ran to support me.
"I will bring the kids in other car. Take care of her!"she said going towards the kids.
"Your mommy and your aunt Sus is alright. So, don't worry.."She tried convincing the kids while Mickey helped me to walk to get to the car.

"I told you, you won't be able to manage!"Vis taunted to Mickey.
We are in the car and Vis is driving while Mickey sat beside me in the back seat.
"I just panicked a little and don't forget you too were panicking. If it wasn't for Grapes then you won't know what to do!"Mickey replied.
They are quarreling because they are panicking.
"That was because Sus looked like she was in pain that I panicked otherwise...."he was saying when Mickey cut him off,"Otherwise too nothing would have changed!"
I was in pain and I am in pain and these two are so busy pointing out each others mistake!!!! Aaargghhhh!!!!
"Aaaaaaa!!!!!!"I screamed in pain as another contraction hit in.
"It's all because of you that my baby sis is in pain!!!"Vis shouted on Mickey.
"Shut up!!"Mickey said.
These two!!!!!!
"Shut up both of you!!!! Enough of your talking!!!"I shouted at them.
They both stopped and looked at me shocked.
"If I hear one more word from any of you, I swear I will kick you both out and take a taxi instead. Now, drive fast!!!!!!"I hissed at them taking deep breaths.
They both nodded and didn't utter a single word after that.

"Look! She is so cute!!"Noah said.
"She is so small!!"Aaron said surprised.
"She is sleeping!!"Ryan said.
"She is your baby sis. Isn't she the cutest?"Mickey said.
"Yes!"the three of them said together.
I smiled. I gave birth to a girl and everyone is so delighted.
"From today you three are her big brothers and so you three are responsible to take care of her. Will you take care of your baby sis?"Vis asked to them.
"Yes!!"the three said.
"She looks just like how Susan was when she was a Baby!"mommy exclaimed.
"Yes! Her eyes are like Michael though!"mom said. I call my mother-in-law as mom and father-in-law as dad.
"Her smile is just like my princess."Daddy said and smiled.
"My little princess!"he said smiling at her.
"Her hair is also like my son!"dad said.
"She is opening her eyes!!!"Ryan said excited.
"She is looking at us!!"Aaron said.
"Aunt Sus, what's her name?"Noah asked me.
I looked at Mickey and he smiled. We already thought of a name if we had a baby girl.
"Diana."we said together and smiled.
"Diana. I like it!"Aaron said and smiled.
"Hey, Diana!"the three of them tired to call her and she smiled.
"She likes it too!"Ace said.
Mickey who was standing beside me whispered,"Everyone is so happy! Thank you for giving me such a beautiful gem!"
I smiled and he kissed my head.
I don't know what's in store for my little princess as I have only one protective big brother whereas she has three of them and I know my brother is gonna make them just like him. But, I just want her to have her own love story though as falling in love is the best feeling....

A happy family!! Life can't be any more perfect for Mickey and Susi....❤

Oh! And all the names of the babies were suggested by my sweet friend Khushi!!😍😘 Thank you Khushi for suggesting such amazing names!!!😘😘😘

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