World crashed down!

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"Susi, stop staring at me."I complained.
"What? I am not staring!"she said looking away.
"Really!"I said keeping the file down and looked at her.
"I was just looking, Ok? And even if I was staring, I didn't disturb you."she said and looked at me.
"But I was disturbed."I said folding my hands.
"Really? Just by me looking at you?"She asked amused.
"Yes. It distracts me."I said.
"Really?"she said cocking her head to one side.
"Yes."I said.
"Do you think I am trying to distract you?"she asked playfully.
"I don't know...maybe."I said winking.
She nodded and got up with a playfull smile on her face. That smile! She is going to do something unexpected! I know her really well....
She walked up to me and then sat on the arm of my chair.
She brought her face close to my ear and whispered,"This is what's done to distract someone."
My face flustered red.
"Did you understand what I was trying to say or...should I sit on your lap?"She whispered making my heart race like crazy and then got up from my chair and walked away.
She turned around and made an innocent face and blinked her eyes like a kid and went to sit on the couch leaving me still flustered.
"Did you think that it's only you who can tease?"she said and started laughing leaving me speechless.
This is the first time she did something like this and I really don't know what to say or how to react. I dreaming? Because, Susi who is so innocent can never tease me like this....
I pinched my cheek to check if it's a dream.'s definitely not a dream!
She giggled seeing me.
"What are you doing?"She asked giggling.
"Who did you think made me do this?"I said.
She laughed again.
"It's so fun to tease you. My poor Mickey...!!!"she said and started laughing again.
"Really. Wait. Now, it's my turn."I said getting up from my chair.
She started giggling and running around while I chased after her laughing.
She stopped behind the couch and I stopped in front of it.
"Wait till I catch you."I said and she giggled again
Then she ran towards the door.
"Where do you think you are running off to?"I said walking towards to door too.
"I think you need a coffee. Maybe that will help you to concentrate more."she said winking while opening the door and slipped out before I could catch her.
I laughed again and went to sit on my chair behind my desk.

It has been a week since her graduation party and that surprise I gave to her. I thought that Vik would come to bash at me the next day but Susi told me that he went to a business trip and also said that he is not angry. I really don't believe it but maybe he really isn't angry because of his sis. He has always been like this. He can shout and be an arrogant boss to his employees and anyone else even his friends but if Susi comes in front of him all his anger becomes ice cool water. It's really unbelievable how his attitude suddenly changes with just the entry of Susi. He can remain angry on others infront of Grapes if it's  for her sake, not on her though. But, he can't even raise his voice in front of Susi. He really loves his sister and wants to show only his sweet side to her.
Susi has been coming here everyday since then, she doesn't even go out with her friends. She said that they are spending all their time with their boyfriends. I know, it's just because she doesn't want to be teased from them about that day. But, it may also be because Vik is not here. I know when he comes back she won't be able to come here this much and will only spend her time with her friends.
I am happy that she is here with me but it really distracts me no matter what she does. When she is here all I want to do is stare at her or hug mind really doesn't support me and I have so many thoughts just by her being here in my office and I feel like we are really dating or my mind just run off to how our future will be...she here as my wife and then she would come to visit me with our kids....god...I am thinking way ahead but it makes me happy.

I heard the door knob rotate and hurriedly took my file in my hand when the door opened. That must be my Susi but I won't look at her and pretend to read the file until she comes towards me and then I will catch her. I smiled to myself.
I heard footsteps which stopped just infront of my desk.
"Seems like you are totally engrossed in that file."said a familiar voice and I  looked up to see my best friend standing there with a guy.
"Vik?! What are you doing here?"I asked surprised getting up from my seat to meet him.
"So, now I am not allowed to come here, huh?"he said.
"I didn't mean it like that! I mean,  when did you arrive?"I asked.
If he is here and if he didn't call Susi to know where she is...then that means he came here first which is unexpected. There must be something going on in his mind...hope it doesn't involve me and Susi.
"I arrived just now. I have something to talk to you. By the way, this is Nick Park, he just graduated like Sus but have been giving a hand to his dad for a long time. And he is helping with the project I am working on with his company. And this is my childhood, Michael Wood."he said smiling and introduced us.
"Hello!"I said and shook hands with him.
"So, what was that you wanted to talk about?"I asked him. I have a really bad feeling about this.
"Oh! Come here for a second."he said taking me towards the wall sized glass window behind my chair.
"So?"I asked him again.
"Ok. I will come straight to the point. I asked Sus if she liked you more than a friend and she said that there is nothing between you two and that she consider you as only a friend. And so I thought that maybe she can't think of anything more because you are her friend and because she have known you since you two were kids and so I thought that Nick will be a better choice as she doesn't know him and they two are of same age and will be starting their career soon too. So, I think that they will look good together too."he said.
I just stood there unable to think  anything. It's like my whole world just crashed infront of me.
Susi said that we are just...just friends...only friends...after all the time that we spent together she didn't feel anything for me? am just a mere friend to her..nothing more...
"Hey! Are you listening?"Vik said shaking my arm.
I just looked at him.
"I told you that you don't have to bother about my sis anymore and that you can go after the rumoured girl that you liked if there really is one. Anyways, thanks for trying your best because of me."he said and patted my arm.
I just stood there unable to move or say anything.
"Mickey! I brought orange juice instead of coffee."I heard Susi say as she entered inside my cabin.
Then her eyes widened upon seeing her brother.
"Brother!"she said shocked.

A new guy!!! What will become of Mickey and Susi?? How will Susi react to this????

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