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"I don't know if I will be able to tell him or not."I sighed nervously.
"Don't worry. You will be fine."Molly said assuring me.
"Just remember that smile on Michael's face and you will be able to do anything."Claire said smiling.
"Su, start by telling him about that godparents thing."Elsa suggested and I nodded.
"Thank you girls. I don't know how I would survive without you all."I said smiling to them and got out of the car.
"Tell us everything tomorrow."Claire said as the car took speed.

I laughed and shook my head. Claire must be so excited more than Elsa and Molly. She always dreamt about this day when Mickey confess to me.

I ring the door bell and Maria opened the door.
"Su, you are back. Had fun with your friends?"Maria said letting me inside.
"Yes."I said smiling.
"Go freshen up. I will make something for you to eat."she said going into the kitchen.
I went into my room and closed the door. I will call Mickey after eating.

"Sweetie, are you ok?"Maria asked concerned.
I looked at her and nodded.
"Yes, I am fine."I said confused.
"Then, why aren't you eating anything? This is your favourite, right?"she asked looking at my plate which is still full.
"I am not that hungry, I guess."I said nervously.
I am so damn nervous that I can't even eat. I have to call Mickey after dinner. How will I tell him? What will I tell him? These thoughts are circling in my mind.
"That's not good. You should eat properly. Now, finish everything that's in your plate."she said just like my mom. She really treats me like her own daughter.
"Ok."I said chewing.

"When will Travis come home?"Maria asked while taking the empty plates from me.
She didn't let me leave the dinning table without finishing the food.
"Maybe day after tomorrow."I said.
"Ok. Then I will make something and leave it for you in the fridge so that you can eat if you feel hungry at night."she said and went into the kitchen.
"Thank you."I called out to her.

I went into my room and sat on the bed. I took my cell phone in my hands and dialed Mickey's number. I have to call him. But, this nervousness. My palms are so sweaty, I shook my hands. I took a deep breath and called him. He answered in the second ring.
"Hello, Susi!"he said not that energetic. I guess he is still sad about me forgetting his confession and that...kiss.
"Hey, Mickey!"I said trying to sound happy hiding my nervousness.
"Did you have fun with your friends?"he asked me.
"Yes, I did. Anyways, thank you for helping Stance's dad's company."I said smiling.
"Didn't you want that."he said.
He can do anything for me if I ask him to.
"Yes, for their unborn baby. Or you can say for our godchild."I said excited.
"What do you mean by our godchild?"he asked me confused. "Today Veronica and Stance came to thank me and they told me that they want us to be godparents of their baby. I was so happy that I agreed immediately."I said excited.
"You are happy then I am happy too."he said and it made my heart warm.
I should probably tell him. I bit my lower lip nervously and took a deep breath.
"Mickey, there is something I need to tell you."I said nervously. "Yes, what is it?"he asked me.
"About yesterday. I told you this morning that I don't remember anything, right?"I asked and he just said,"Hmm."
"When I was with my friends, I...I remembered everything."I said and closed my eyes biting my lip.
"You...you really remember?"he asked after a moment.
"Yes."I said taking a deep breath.
"What did you remember? I mean, exactly what did you remember?"he asked. I can tell that he is nervous as well.
"That...what happened in that parking lot."I said squeezing my teddy bear beside me.
"You remember that...that...kiss and confession?"he asked to be sure.
"Yes, Mickey."I said blushing for some reason.
We both went quite. This is awkward. I knew this was going to happen.
"Then, um...good night."I said breaking the awkwardness.
"Yes."he said and I hang up the call falling on my bed.

Gosh!!! I was so nervous!! I can still feel like something in my stomach, maybe I ate little more than usual or is it what my friends talk about, "butterflies in the stomach". I never felt this even when I was with Stance. I buried my face in my pillow feeling my face burning red whenever I think about yesterday's events or today's conversion. How am I gonna face him now? It will be so awkward. Just thinking about that makes me nervous.

Ding dong....
Who might that be? Maria is still here so she will open the door. I got up from my bed and walked towards my door.
I can hear them in the living room.
"Have a seat. Shall I bring you coffee or something to eat?"Maria is asking the person who have come.
I was about to open my door and go out when I heard the other person's voice.
"No, thank you. Where is Susi?"I heard a familiar voice. It's Mickey. Now, I am even more nervous. I stood still.
"In her room. I will call her."said Maria.
No, no, no. I can't come out and face Mickey.
"No, that won't be necessary."he said and I sighed in relief.
"I will just go and meet her in her room. Sorry to disturb you when you are busy."he said.
"That's not at all a problem."Maria said.

Oh no! He is coming here! What should I do? How will I face him? I can hear his footsteps and my own heartbeats. I think my heart is going to jump out of my throat.
The footsteps stopped at the door and he knocked.
"Susi!"he called out.
"Ye..Yes!"I said nervously and turned around away from the door.
"I am coming in."he said and I heard the door nob turn and the door open.

"Susi, sorry to come here so late but after what you told me on the phone I just couldn't stop myself. I wanted to see you."he said little nervous.
"It..It's ok."I said still not facing him.
"I know you feel little awkward but I am so happy. You don't know how happy I am."he said and I turn around to see his smiling face.
"Do you have any idea how worried I was when I saw you sad this morning? That's why I went to that bar with my friends so that I can remember everything just to see this smile on your face."I said without thinking and smiled.
His eyes grew wide with shock but then his lips curl up into a playful smirk.
"You did this because I was sad?"he asked in a teasing tone.
"No!"I said realising what I just said and turned around so that he can't see my red face.
I head is footsteps come close and then stop.
"You look beautiful when you blush."he whispered into my ear.
I can feel his breath on my ear and it sent tinglings throughout my body.
"I know that you don't feel that way about me but I will make you fall for me so, be prepared because I won't let you escape."he said making my heart beat even faster. I think he can hear my heartbeat.
"Then I will be going now. I will meet you tomorrow."he said and stepping back and went out of the door closing it behind him.
I turned around and saw the closed door. I jumped on my bed and hugged my pillow. What did he meant by 'be prepared'? I pressed my palms on my cheeks. It's still hot. I touched my ear he was whispering in. I put my palm against my heart. It's still beating so fast. I don't know what will happen from tomorrow but I can't stop feeling these mixed emotions.

Michael told Susan to be prepared but what is he planning to do to make her fall for him? What is this feeling that Susan is experiencing? Vote and comment.

Khushi...my soul sister!!! I am happy that we became friends and am so thankful to wattpad for giving me such a sweet friend....love you a lotzzz....

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