The Wedding

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Rhalla sat next to her brother and Master Illyrio, watching the celebrations go on.
Rough love-making, death, dancing, awkward food and drinks, this was the Dothraki way, and Rhalla has had enough of this.
How her sister was marrying this barbarian, and how she would have to marry his bloodrider seemed like a nightmare that she wished to wake up from.

Rhalla's hair was left down and she was dressed in a simple blue dress that her to-be husband brought her. He had been sitting on her right, next to Khal Drogo, and glancing at her the entire ceremony. The dress itself was beautiful, but she felt uncomfortable.
She didn't know anything about the man. Not his name, not his language, not his culture, nothing.

"You look marvelous, my dear." Illyrio complimented her, to which she twisted her lips into a smile.
"Smile, and stop frowning." Viserys muttered, squeezing her hand tightly.
She quickly faked a smile to her brother and returned to her displeased mood. Little did she care what he thought.

A man who didn't seem Dothraki approached Daenerys with some books at his hands. "Songs and Tales of the Seven Kingdoms", he told, then he pledged to serve Viserys, the rightful king.
Jorah Mormont of Bear Island was at the Khaleesi's wedding, and the reason why is unknown. But to have someone who speaks the common tongue was refreshing indeed.

Rhalla wished she could take a walk, though she was scared to meet her to-be husband or have another savage follow her around, and Gods know what they might do to this young and beautiful girl. Something she tried to chase from her mind.

While she was lost in her thoughts, Illyrio got up from her brother's side and stood as the Dothraki slaves presented a box to the new Khaleesi and opened it.
Illyrio's gift seemed to mesmerize Daenerys. Dragon eggs with eggshells in various colors, a gift more precious than rubis. Rhalla smiled at the sight of her sister, examining the eggs with great interest. But her smile disappeared when the bloodrider smiled at her and tilted his head to the side and ushered for her to come with him.

Seven hells, she thought to herself, avoiding his gaze while looking in every direction.

"My lady, may I have a word?" Illyrio asked as he returned and offered his hand for her to take.
She sighed, relieved to be saved from her betrothed's insistance. She rose and arranged her dress, checking on her brother's bothered expression and grinned at the sight of it.

Illyrio walked her silently far from the wedding that took place outside of Pentos. She wasn't afraid of her host. He had been very generous towards them, though Rhalla was no idiot. She knew he only did it for his own benefits.

The Westerosi from earlier was standing where what seemed like the magister's destination, fully armed and armored and waiting for them to get to them, and another man was standing next to him, cloaked and hooded, so she couldn't recognize nor see his face.

"My lady." Ser Jorah bowed before her.
"My lord." she inclined her head politely.
"May I present to you, Lord Varys. He served as one of your father's adviser for many years." Illyrio said as the strange man removed his hood and revealed his bald head.
"A Targaryen. Alive and well." the man smiled.

Rhalla looked with confusion and suspicion to the three man. She didn't know what to expect, nor what they wanted from her. Everyone seemed to meet with her brother to discuss multiple affairs in the past, but never with her. She was intrigued.

"Forgive me, my lady, for bringing you all this way, though I have a proposition to offer you that I doubt you will decline." Varys started, his voice and manners quite effeminate, making Rhalla silently chuckle as she listened carefully to what he had to say.
"The Warden of the North, Ned Stark, offers you safe shelter in Winterfell."

Rhalla jaw dropped, and a rage ceased her.
"Do you want me to go live with the man that contributed to the death of my family?"
"No, my lady. Ned Stark only wants what is best for you." Varys spoke, getting confused looks from her.

The man sighed and tried to explain his offer further, "I have spoken with the Lord of Winterfell. Illyrio told me you were.. unhappy here. Your brother is forcing you in a marriage you do not desire, although your sister had been trapped. But you have not. You can still be free, and safe, in the North. You can go home, and leave it all behind." he tempted, making Rhalla think carefully about the offer.

"But I can't leave my sister alone with these.. barbarians!" she objected.
"Ser Jorah is here to protect her, friend, you do not have to worry. You have to think about yourself, for once. Your destiny. A forced marriage with a Dothraki, or freedom in the Seven Kingdoms." Varys convinced.

Rhalla furrowed her eyebrows, cautious of the tempting offer, "But I will never be safe. If they know that I am a Targaryen, the Usurper will chop off my head."
Varys chuckled, "See, my friend, I have thought everything through. Only the Starks know of your identity for the moment. You will go anonymously. Ned Stark swore to keep your secret, and he is nothing if not a man of his word."

Rhalla started to like the idea, but was still curious of the details, "And what do I have to do in return?"
"You will marry his elder son, Robb Stark, when both of you come of age. That is, of course, only a few years from now." Illyrio said, after being silent the entire time.
"What? Leave one marriage for another?" she exclaimed.

"No no, child. You will do so only if you and Robb get along, as the Lord asked.." Varys said softly.
"And if we don't?" Rhalla interrupted while she crossed her arms and raised her chin high.
"Then you are free to do as you please." Varys concluded, then waited for her to decide.

"If you'll excuse me. I have to return to the wedding." Ser Jorah dismissed himself and left.
"I'll go back to the palace. Just think carefully, child. You may never get this chance again." Illyrio said then returned to his palace, avoiding any conflict between him and Viserys who would blame him for his sister's disappearance.

"Why are you doing this?" Rhalla asked the bald man while watching the man who is said to protect her sister vanish in the distance.
"For peace, for you, child." Varys said.

Rhalla thought carefully about the offer. Leave her family and blood behind and start anew at home, with people with the same culture, language and ways, or be forced to wed a horse-lord and live her life being mistreated and humiliated. She had no desire in reclaiming the throne as her brother did. All she wanted was peace, and a welcoming home. Not a place where she would stay temporarily until an assassin is sent to kill her.

"You have to decide now. The ship that will take us North will leave shortly." Varys reminded after giving her enough time to think.

Rhalla looked back to where the wedding was taking place. She perceived her sister walking towards her husband who was standing near two horses. The offer was too tempting to not accept. All her life she lived miserably, she couldn't refuse. She dropped a tear of two, with one last look at her sister. She wished she could hug her and bid her farewell, but she would never be able to escape if her brother saw her.

She wiped the tears, inhaled deeply and turned to Varys, her decision made.

"Then I shall travel North."

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