Goodbye Brother

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Days passed after Bran's accident, and it was time for the royal family and the Starks to leave for King's Landing.

With the recent events, people believed the Lord of Winterfell would remain with his family and son, but it turned out he would leave anyway.

Lady Stark never left her son's side, not once, and he didn't seem to be better. Still comatose, but still alive, he had great chances of waking up from what Maester Luwin said.

With Arya gone and Bran's state, Rhalla would be no Valyrian tutor anymore, so she'd have to find something else to keep herself entertained, and to justify her presence in Winterfell amongst the remaining Starks.

Jon had gone to Bran to bid him farewell, and Robb was with his father, while Rhalla sat alone in the courtyard and watched the activity. Things were uproar that morning as the party got ready to depart from Winterfell.

Rhalla was quite bored, but it was better than to stay in her small chambers. She had already bid farewell to Sansa, and Arya visited her in her room early in the morning and jumped in her arms, grateful for every Valyrian word she taught her and every tale she told her.
And later, Rhalla was thankful to have left her room after she witnessed Tyrion Lannister beating the hell out of Joffrey. It was quite the view, and very satisfying.

After a moment, Kyra joined her with news, "Lord Stark asked to speak with you." she told her, and Rhalla nodded to dismiss her.
But before she went to see him, she perceived Jon and Robb speaking in the courtyard and she immediately ran to them.
"He's not going to die. I know it." Robb said with determination when they spoke of Bran. Rhalla was happy to see that he was more cheerful than the days prior.
"You Starks are hard to kill." Jon scoffed as he saddled his horse.

"Farewell, Snow." Robb said amusingly.
"And you, Stark." Jon responded.

The princess watched them hug with affection for one last time with a large smile on her face before Robb gave her a quick and gentle pat on her shoulder and left with rushed strides. She knew he was very busy with his family leaving, so she left him to his business.

She then approached Jon, fearful and sad, her hands shaking and her heart beating at a hard pace. She had been fearing this moment for the last three or four days. She thought she'd enjoy her time left with Jon, but after what happened to Bran, it was hard for them to do anything. They kept practicing some archery, but they didn't go riding as they planned, nor hunting.

"I guess that's it." she sighed, trying to twist her lips into a smile.
"I guess it is!" he smiled.
She looked at him longly, trying to hold the tears that threatened to pour in.
"I'll miss you." she told him honestly.
"I'll miss you too." he said.

"You know, you've been a good friend. You're the first and dearest friend I've ever had. My brother was an abusive cunt." she giggled, "Viserys and I might be bound by blood, but you are my real brother. Thank you. For everything, really. For listening to me, being there for me when no one was, helping me with archery, for being the wonderful person you are." she spoke as tears started streaming down her face.

He smiled heartwarmingly at what she said and hugged her friendly, and tightly.
"Just take care of yourself, will you?" she told.
"You too." he said in a sad tone.
At that very moment, she decided that she hated goodbyes.

She pulled away and looked at him with an amused smile as she sniffed and rubbed the tears from her face, "You'll write to me frequently, or I'll head to Castle Black and kill you myself before any Wilding or White Walker does."

"I promise." he chuckled, "You are scored on my heart, Targaryen."
"And you, Snow." she replied honestly before she walked away, only turning back to look at her friend for one last time.
It was hard to see him leave, but she trusted he was going to be fine, and that reassured her.

Rhalla then climbed the stairs to Ned Stark's study. She hadn't really talked to him since the day she arrived to Winterfell, although he would ask her from time to time if she required anything or how she found the North.

"You wished to see me, Lord Stark." she said as she knocked on the open door.
"Yes. Please lady Rhalla, take seat." he invited.
She closed the door and sat on the chair in front of his desk and waited for what he had to tell her.

"I am leaving shortly with the king, and I wished to know if there was anything you needed before I go." he asked.
"Thank you for your concern, lord Stark." she said before she felt that gratitude to the honorable man should be shown.

"And thank you for everything you've done for me. Coming here was the best decision I've ever made. Being here with your wonderful family, and feeling safety is something that I never experienced before. I was fearful at first to come here and yet, you have changed my perception of honor. To put the conflicts between our two houses and do what you saw was right for not only your family, but your kingdom, is something no man I know is capable of. You have my respect, and my gratitude, lord Stark." she spoke, honesty resonating in her every word.

"I am glad to see that I wasn't wrong when I thought that it is not because you bare your father's blood that you bare his madness as well. You are a good Targaryen, and I am grateful for the knowledge you have shared with my children." he thanked her, then moved on straightly to why he summoned her in the first place.
The words he spoke about her father hurt her, but she tried to hide her pain and see only the good in what he said.

"I saw that my son is quite fond of you, and you are having a great influence on him, my lady. I think that now I speak not as Warden of Winterfell, but as a father. Stay by his side, and help him see what is good from what is wrong in the days to come." he said.

She arched an eyebrow, not sure what he meant, "I.. My lord, your son doesn't require my help nor my council. I have no experience to share with him in matters of.. leadership." she stuttered.
"It is not your experience I speak of. I am aware of your young age, but it is your support he needs." he told.

Rhalla was still somehow confused. To see Eddard Stark ask of a Targaryen -and a young one at that- to look after his son while he is away, when the latter used to despise her only a few days prior. But Ned had done so much for her, and if that was his only wish before he leaves, then she will accept.

"I will, lord Stark. I promise." she said.
"Thank you." Ned said with relief echoing in his voice.
"Then I wish you safe travels, my Lord." she said as she stood up. They shook hands with an honest smile that expressed respect and gratitude, and before she crossed the threshold, she turned to Ned.

"Send Lord Varys my regards." the princess asked, then she left the room to return to the courtyard where she would keep herself entertained.
But as soon as she arrived to the spot she was sitting on for the entire morning, a man wearing a helmet and the shiny Kingsguard armor came towards her. He then removed his helmet, revealing his golden head and his identity.

"It was an honor to meet you, lady Rhalla." the Kingslayer spoke.
"The.. honor was mine, Ser Jaime." she stuttered, still cautious of the man's intentions.
"I suppose we'll see each other someday soon, won't we?" he asked with a smug face.

"I suppose not." Robb said darkly as he came from the back to Rhalla's great surprise and stood behind her, his direwolf at his feet.
Jaime chuckled and greeted, "Lord Stark."
Then he turned to leave and mount his horse, a proud grin on his face.

Rhalla watched the arrogant man leave, then turned her blue gaze to the young man standing behind her. He didn't seem to be pleased, and his eyes showed great dislike for the Lannister knight.
"What did he want?" he asked.
"I don't know.. But I don't like him." she told.
Robb smiled, "I hope not!"
"It's not that!" she giggled, before her tone returned to seriousness.

"He knows something. We have to be careful."

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