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Deep breaths, focused eyes and mind. Rhalla took her shot right in the central ring of the training target.
"You're becoming quite proficient at this, my lady." lord Robin said as he prepared for his turn.
"Thank you, my lord. I believe it's your turn, now." she responded, stepping to the side to allow him to take his shot.

Rhalla and Robin had met in the morning while she was returning from Kyra's tent, and he proposed that they'd have an archery contest of a sort since he was off-duty that day. It was midday now, and with his experience, the man was obviously winning, but he wasn't as smug as she'd expected. In fact, he tried to help her improve her skills.

"You still need some practice, though. You are taking your sweet time out of it." he continued, "You won't have that much time to aim on the field."
"It is not as if I intended to go on the field anytime soon, my lord." she chuckled.
"Then why are you learning archery?" he asked, his typical amused smile drawn on his lips.

"For the love of the discipline. Believe it or not, archery is far more than a means to murder." she lectured.
"Wiser words were never spoken, my lady. You impress me." he complimented after taking a silent moment to admire the smart lady in front of him.

Rhalla directed a smile in return to the compliment, though before she could suggest resuming the activity, she saw someone passing by whom she'd wanted to address for sometime now.
"Lady Talisa!" she called loud enough for the woman to hear, so that she'd have no other option but to stop and respond.

The Volantene was dressed in her rags and covered in mud and blood from tending to the wounded. Rhalla could accuse her of anything, yet she had to admire that about her.
"If you'll excuse me." she apologized to Robin who was quite confused by the quick turn of the situation.

"But we have only just started!" he said.
"We can continue this later. I have to go." she told before she handed the bow and arrows to Kyra who was seated in the back along with her lover, then she ran to catch Talisa who was waiting for her.
"Lady Talisa." the princess greeted.
"Lady Rhalla." the woman inclined her head, and from the look at her, she was either in a hurry, or she was simply uneasy with the idea of talking to Rhalla.

"I've been meaning to talk to you, actually." Rhalla started.
"I.. uh.. Of course." Talisa stuttered.
When they were at a safe distance from ear shot, Rhalla continued.
"I wanted to thank you for the formidable work you are doing with the fallen soldiers and the wounded. It's impressive, really." she told, trying to believe her own genuineness.
"I just hope I can help." Talisa said with the shadow of a smile peaking through her lips.

"I too have lived in the Free Cities as a child." Rhalla told.
"Really?" Talisa fainted the surprise, when in reality, she couldn't wait to get on with it.
"I even lived in Volantis for a while. Lovely country." Rhalla crossed her arms, savoring every bit of awkwardness Talisa was gradually feeling, and all the while testing her limits.

"I agree." Talisa nodded.
"The food, the weather, even the accent!" Rhalla described then turned to face the woman, "Which reminds me, your accent has nothing to do with theirs. I wonder why that is."
"I.. uh.. My family never had a strong Volantene accent." Talisa said, finding nothing better for an excuse, "And since I arrived to Westeros, it just sort of.. faded away."
"That's quite odd." Rhalla hummed, "What's even stranger is that when I lived in Volantis, I never heard of the Maegyrs having a daughter."

Her reaction was not exactly what the princess expected. Talisa looked at her with a disgusted chuckle instead and raised her chin high, as if though she'd been hiding beneath the cover of the innocent and sweet girl this whole time.
"What do you want?" she said, crossing her arms and trying to threaten Rhalla with her height.

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