Last Chance

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Rhalla had been sitting on her bed and staring intensely at the dragon eggs for sometime now.
The dream that woke her up was rather strange. She saw a great fire, and dragons flying around her bare and naked body, yet the images were so unclear and not understandable.
They brought confusion to her thoughts, and perhaps she thought that staring long enough at the eggs would bring a solution to the mystery of her dream.

Apart from that, things had gone pretty badly since the last time she and Robb spoke.
The news that lord Bolton brought couldn't be good. Winterfell had been burned, and Bran and Rickon had gone missing, probably dead too, and all thanks to the much loyal Theon Greyjoy.

Rhalla herself couldn't believe how he could have betrayed Robb to that extent. She would've expected the treachery to come from anyone, but never from the man that Robb considered his brother and best friend his whole life.

It was irrational, devastating even, but there was nothing within her power to do.
In that sort of situation, she would've gone to Robb to soothe him, but things weren't very good looking between the two of them. He refused to speak to anyone, and that was understandable.

Lady Stark was devastated too. She didn't eat nor sleep nor leave her tent for the past week, and though Rhalla wished to go see her too, what would she tell her? The woman refused visitors, and she had just lost two sons, blaming herself for not being there for them, and her elder son for trusting the Ironman.

With all the events accumulated, Rhalla was undergoing a lot, but she was strong, and she went on, for the ones she loved, even if some were angry at her and behaving in bitterness, they were the only ones that kept her going.

Lost in a see of thoughts and possibilities, Rhalla had spent a great deal of time in relative peace before she heard shouting from the guards outside her tent.
Curious, she got up after making sure to store the eggs in safety, and what she found were guards running around and panicking as if they'd be attacked in any minute.

When she listened in enough to know that she wouldn't understand what that was all about until she asked someone, she dragged a random soldier's arm to catch him before he sprinted to Gods knew where.
"What's going on here?" she asked.
"The Kingslayer. He escaped in the night. Lady Stark freed him." he told with speed, but before he could escape himself, Rhalla pressed on his arm and asked about the first person that came to mind. The first person she knew would be the most upset about this.

"Where is the king?" she questioned.
"He went for a stroll with lady Talisa in the woods." he told before finally leaving, and this time, Rhalla didn't stop him.
She was too angry about what she just heard, and she couldn't believe her ears.
First, her warnings had been useless, and the Volantene was still luring Robb, and he was still giving into her trap.

How could he forget so easily about his feelings for Rhalla? It wasn't possible. He wasn't himself. He hadn't been in weeks, since that woman appeared in their lives. Whenever she was around, it was as if though she was using some kind of magic on him. Perhaps she was..

But what preoccupied the dragon lady more, and what mattered the most at that moment was that if she didn't run to stop Robb from doing anything stupid, only the Gods knew what he would do to his mother, or to anyone who got in his way, and it would rather be Rhalla.

She was ready to risk his wrath if it meant saving a situation where both parties knew only despair and rage.
Rhalla started running to lady Stark's tent in hopes of arriving on time, but she found that the king had already returned from his outing with Talisa. His personal guard where waiting outside, and one of them was Robin who looked as shocked as Rhalla by the king's surpassing anger.

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