King in the North

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Rhalla couldn't move, nor think. She was shocked. Another person who knew her secret, and not anyone: a Lannister.

"Where did you get that from, Ser?" she stuttered.
"You can fool everyone out here, but you can't fool me. I served your father. I knew your mother, and you look exactly like queen Rhaella, minus the hair of course." he told, an amused smirk never leaving his lips.
"So tell me, what do you want to keep your mouth shut?" she spoke, quickly getting to conclusions and trying to look confident when in reality, she was terrified.

"Eager are we?" he chuckled, "Alright, I'll tell how much my silence is going to cost you. Being chained isn't really fun, as you have probably noticed. Help me get out of here, and your little secret will be kept." he proposed, "Otherwise, the whole world will know of your identity, and then there will be no place for you to hide. The people don't exactly have good memories from the time your father ruled."

"Am I supposed to trust the words of a Kingslayer? You swore oaths to my father, and you broke every single one of them." she objected.
"Aye, I did." he confirmed to her surprise.
"Besides, how can you tell anyone when you're rotting in this cage? You can make your threats, but I have nothing to fear from you." she challenged.

"You're a smart girl, aren't you? We both know I won't be staying here for long. I will find a way to escape, with or without your help." he reminded her.
"Well, I wish you luck then, Ser Jaime." she scoffed with a smug face before leaving him enraged, while she kept in mind to go later and remind Robb to reenforce the guard.

The princess ran to her handmaiden's tent, with a great deal of news to report to her. The hateful letter from Daenerys, the Kingslayer's threats. She must tell her all about it.
But at Rhalla's big surprise, as soon as she lifted the tent's drap, she found Kyra having some.. lovely company. His hand on her breast, and hers in his gentleman's parts underneath the leather breeches, all while making the dark-haired Targaryen immediately regret trespassing on the rather intimate kiss.

"Oh my god!" she gasped from shock, interrupting the love birds who quickly backed away in shame.
"My lady! I'm so sorry." the soldier apologized before he ran out of the tent, while Kyra fixed her dress and covered what little dignity she had left, making Rhalla cover her mouth to hide the good giggle she was having.

"Not a word." Kyra said through the heavy breaths, a finger pointed at the princess who raised her hands in innocence.
"I didn't say anything. In fact, I'm happy for you." she told, trying to hide her amusement, "Who's keeping your charming company?"

"He's one of lord Robin's guards." Kyra sighed, "We met just the other day. Can't say we took things slowly." she said sarcastically.
"Well, he's sure easy on the eye." Rhalla complimented.
The man was taller than Kyra, which means really tall considering the beautiful handmaiden's height.

"So, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit, my lady?" Kyra said, pouring herself and her friend some wine.
"I just wanted to talk, that's all. It was never really my intention to swoop down upon you." she told, taking seat on the bed.
"Swooping is bad, princess. It is known." she kidded.

"Jaime Lannister knows who I am." Rhalla revealed.
"I don't think you have anything to fear from him. He's going to stay chained for quite some time. And even if he doesn't, he's of no danger to you." Kyra reassured.
"How would you know?" Rhalla asked, furrowed brows questioning the handmaiden's certainty.
"Just don't worry about it." she told, a smile on her face.


"I read my sister's letter." Rhalla continued, "I never thought she'd grow to be so hateful and bitter. She killed Viserys, or something similar, I'm not sure. And she spoke of dragons being born, and of taking back the throne. Then, she only spoke of eliminating me, as if I wronged her by leaving. I mean, I sure did, but, not in that fashion. And she dares propose for me to join her."
"There is only one reason she'd want you out of her way, Rhalla. It's because she knows you're a threat. You are the older one, aren't you?" Kyra asked after taking seat next to the princess who nodded, "Relatively."

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