Rescue Mission

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Preparations and strong measures were in order for the mission to succeed.
It seemed impossible, knowing that Robb would be surrounded by a whole army of Frey men, unarmored and unarmed, and not even aware of what would happen.

Sending a raven or a rider to warn him was not an option anymore.
A rider wouldn't make it in time, and a raven would most certainly get intercepted by the Freys.

Saving Robb was the priority, and doing it in a discreet way was paramount.
Robin wasn't fond of going to rescue Robb.
He told Rhalla going was useless and dangerous for them, but there was no arguing with the headstrong and stubborn Targaryen.

The plan was that they would start riding intensively for the Twins at dusk, with five Flint men disguised as the returning Frey patrol using the armors they obtained from their dead bodies before burying them to not arise any suspicions.

The impostors would make sure to be around in the wedding, so should the opportunity arise, they would make sure to get the king out of there in all safety and at all cost.

Meanwhile, Rhalla, Robin and Kyra would camp in the woods nearby in a safe hideout and wait for signals from the men should they require assistance of any sort.

Rhalla insisted on bringing her dragons even with Flint's warnings.
They were too young to fight, but she wouldn't necessarily take them with her to burn people.
It was just her motherly instincts that incited her to keep her children close, no matter where she went.

The guards traveled two days ahead of Rhalla, Kyra, Robin and several soldiers to arrive at the Twins before the wedding while the Targaryen's party traveled lightly and with the most discreet and simple clothes to catch up on them in time with the wedding.

Days of intensive riding payed-off when they arrived to the Twins the dawn of the ceremony.
They found a spot to camp and watch the towers from afar, not too close to keep discretion, yet not too far to intervene when needed.

Rhalla checked their whereabouts to make sure no one was in sight before she opened the wooden shelters to make sure her children were fine, and they were.

They made happy sounds when they saw the light of the morning, but it broke Rhalla's heart to disappoint them and imprison them again to avoid any accidents after feeding them.

She couldn't allow anyone to see or hear them, nor that one of them recklessly escapes or gets lost.
The queen-to-be laid on the bedroll Robin deployed on the ground and held her cloak tightly around her to stop the cold morning breeze from chilling her body since they decided not to light any fires in order to not draw attention to them.

She tried to find some rest from the intensive traveling, but her mind couldn't focus on anything but Robb's safety.
He might've betrayed her in ways she never could've imagined, but he was still in danger she never wished for him to go through.

He was still the first man she loved, the one who kept her safe for a long time, and while she moved on from him since her departure, she still held him dearly in her heart, and would do anything to help him.

Despite her battling tiredness to keep her guard up against any dangers in their way, Rhalla surrendered to the sweet rest, closed her eyes and plunged into a very much deserved sleep..


"Wake up! Rhalla, wake up!" Robin's voice disrupted the sleeping beauty's dreams.
Her eyes opened, her vision gradually got clearer and her ears started recognizing strange sounds around them.

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