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Flint's Finger, several months later.

It hadn't been easy for Rhalla to get over Robb's marriage, although perhaps not as hard as she had expected.

She somehow knew it was coming, sooner or later, especially since she wasn't around him anymore, thus leaving the opportunity for Talisa to get on with her schemes and plans.

The latest months were filled for Rhalla with growing her dragons who were now able to fly and breathe minimal fire, which was a big step for her.

Otherwise, she'd spend time with Robin to plan how to get support for her claim to the throne in the future once her dragons were much more grown.

Her relationship with Robin had grown to more than simple allies. He cared for her very much, and she knew it, and the drunken night after learning about Robb's not-so-secret wedding in the Crag, she let down her guard and surrendered herself into intimacy.

Rhalla left her room in the night and walked to the war room with her dress still on but her hair untied and her eyes puffy from crying. She refused to leave her room the whole day, but by the end of the it, she couldn't bear the four walls surrounding her.

She opened the door and went straight for the wine on the table, poured herself one cup, then another, and another.. as she watched and listened to the pouring rain outside.

She remembered how much she hated Robb for everything he did. How she resented being away from him, and how quickly she got attached to him.

But all the hatred came from the strong love she bore for him. Perhaps Robb forgot, but she couldn't never. The way he touched her, kissed her, made love to her, like they were two souls in one body. He made her feel alive, and she craved for the same feelings.

The standing became difficult with every cup of wine she sipped through as her feet failed to sustain the weight of her body.

At one moment, she lost control over her hands as the thoughts of her first night with Robb mixed with her anger and pain, and she dropped the cup, letting the glass shatter into a thousand pieces, and it was as she gasped from surprise at the loud sound that Robin entered the room.

He looked at her, his eyes going back and forth between the broken glass and the drunken princess.

There was enough alcohol in her blood for her to find his worried expression amusing, so she burst out laughing until she lost balance and stumbled on her feet, but before she could fall, Robin ran towards her and caught her.

"Are you alright?" he asked as he tried to steady her, and she looked up at him, her smile suddenly disappearing as she looked intensely into him with her blue orbs.

"I'm.. completely fine!" she exclaimed sarcastically with an obvious tipsy voice.
"I should take you to your chambers. You've had too much to drink." he told as he began guiding her towards the exit, but she grabbed his arms with force and made him stand right where he was.

"Of course I'm fine! You know, the man I loved married another and completely ignored my existence, but other than that.." she started complaining wittily to ease the pain she felt.

"He is not worthy of you, Rhalla. You deserve so much better." he told, his expression serious and sincere, making her burst into another set of laughs.

"Who? You?" she giggled, making him lower his eyes, tighten his jaw and flare his nostrils.
"Oh! Have I offended?" she scoffed when she saw his pained face before once more the wine made her mood twist.

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