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Rhalla headed to the Great Hall where the feast was held after she wore the most beautiful dress she owned. It was of grey brocade, northern colors, fastened around her waist and cascading down the silhouette of her body, cut low in the front to show off her lovely neck without revealing too much. The sleeves were of normal length, and the elaborate dress swiped the floor in a dramatic and beautiful way.

In the keep, she removed her winter cloak since the place was already heated. Kyra did her hair in a beautiful and simple braid. The place was lit with candles and torches, and the sound of loud talk and laughter filled the room. Minstrels played musical instruments, and the wine was flowing. Men and women danced to the songs, and the ambience was heartwarming. Word already spread of the king's proposal to Ned Stark to make him his new Hand, but whether he accepted or not wasn't confirmed yet.

Rhalla oddly enjoyed the ceremony. She wished she could get involved in the celebrations, but she was on her own for the night. Jon was no way in sight, even after she searched for him with her eyes for a long time.
It was good to see people talking the same language as her, and sharing the same culture, although slightly different. Winterfell started to feel like home, even if the Baratheons' and Lannisters' presence made her on guard and cautious.

The queen sat next to Catelyn Stark. She didn't seem very pleased, but again, she was never satisfied with anything. The king was enjoying himself in another fashion, surrounded by women and his cup never empty. The Stark children were scattered around the tables, sitting next to their friends. Robb seemed to enjoy himself, and he looked handsome, as he always has. Rhalla was seated next to Sansa who wouldn't stop daydreaming about the prince and screaming in delight whenever he looked in her direction.

Rhalla ate her food, drank some wine, and enjoyed watching how different celebrations were in the North. She later stood up in a corner to have a better view at the minstrels, and to discreetly watch what the guests were doing. No one asked who she was, and nobody cared, which surprisingly made the princess relieved.

Theon came to sit next to Robb and patted his shoulder while he spoke loudly so the young man could hear him through all the noise.
"Look, she's alone. Go ask her to dance." Theon said, and Robb looked up at him with a questioning look.
"What? Why would I do that?" he exclaimed.
"Well, she's pretty, the music is slow, and it's your only chance to be with her, idiot." Greyjoy said, "If you don't go, I will."

"You have my blessing! Who told you I want to be with her anyway?" Robb chuckled, while he looked at the princess who stood tall with a cup of wine between her hands, inspecting the Great Hall with her large blue eyes.

"Robb. You can't lie to me. I know you like her." Theon insisted, "You've been rejecting every girl who asked you to dance tonight."
"No, I don't like her. And stop harassing me!" Robb pushed him.
"Alright. If you go dance with her, I'll stop harassing you. Forever. Deal?" Theon proposed.

Robb glared darkly at him, then turned his look to the Targaryen beauty. He couldn't deny that she was beautiful and different from any of the girls in the castle, and a dance would do him no harm. Besides, seeing Theon lurk around her didn't please his mind.
"Fine." he sighed, "But if you ever talk about her again, I'm going to kill you myself." he threatened before he finished his ale and stood up.

Rhalla started to feel bored. She decided to stay for a few more moments before retiring to her chambers, but when she looked in front of her, she could see Robb's built getting larger as he walked closer. She didn't believe he was coming towards her, but that changed when he stopped right in front of her.

"Lady Rhalla." he inclined his head.
She arched her eyebrows in surprise, "Lord Stark." she greeted.
"I hope you are enjoying the festivities." he said, avoiding her gaze by looking in every direction around him.
"Not as much as you are, I'm afraid." she smiled.

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