Winter is Coming

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A few days past, and things seemed to go smoothly, in Winterfell anyway.

Robb and Rhalla's relationship had never been better. They spent more time together, though she wouldn't distract him from his duty. He opened up more about his past, what he liked and what he didn't, so she got to know him more, which made her enjoy his company even more.

The acting lord of Winterfell even involved his betrothed much more in matters of ruling the region and the castle, asking her for advice and council, which she provided whenever she could and to the best of her ability.
She was impressed in his ability to govern. He would make a fine Lord of Winterfell.

He consulted her after he received word of his father being attacked in the streets of the capital by the Kingslayer, telling her that he didn't want to interfere despite Theon's insistance, for only the Lord of Winterfell had the right to raise an army, and Robb had no desire in starting a war with the Lannisters despite his hatred for them.
Rhalla supported his choice, and the matter was settled.

When she wasn't spending time with Robb, the Targaryen beauty would either practice on archery, be tutoring Bran, who seemed to learn very quickly, though he was still angry that his mother left before he woke up, even after Rhalla and the Maester told him that she had no choice, and that she'd be back very soon.
Otherwise, she would spend time with her handmaiden with whom she developed an interesting bond.

Kyra gave the princess the possets, and she followed her instructions perfectly, drinking one small flask each morning. To her knowledge, the drink worked in preventing pregnancy, though it was too soon to tell.
When Rhalla asked where she knew of the recipe, she told her it was from her mother, and she insisted on deflecting the topic. She had always been mysterious about her family and her origins. The maid had a story that the princess had yet to uncover..

Word of Tyrion Lannister's captivity by Catelyn Stark had reached the castle, and Tywin Lannister raised his army, attacking the Riverlands to try and free his son.
Robb wanted to intervene and stop the lord of Casterly Rock from harming his mother's homeland, but Maester Luwin told him that if anything, his father would take care of it.

Why the lady of Winterfell captured the dwarf was still a mystery, though Robb suspected he probably had something to do with Bran's fall from the tower, otherwise, there was no other reason for his mother to cease him.


It had been a long day for Rhalla, and she decided to retire to her chambers and wait for Kyra to bring her supper.

The princess went to her dragon eggs and lit the disposed new candles to keep them warm as she did every night if she was alone, while she locked the chest during the day.
She gazed at them with admiration for a moment. She still didn't know who sent them, and Maester Luwin had no news for her.

They reminded her of Daenerys, of who she was, and she remembered that she didn't receive any response for the letter she sent. She wished that at least she received it, and that she would understand and forgive her. She missed her dearly, and hopefully, one day, they would meet again.

Speaking of letters..

Rhalla recalled not answering Jon's letter, so she quickly sat on the desk and pulled the ink and parchment to write.
She thought about the response for a moment, and she realized that there wasn't much to tell him.

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