|Prologue| Normal... Kinda.

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"Storm! Storm!"


Suffocating. He's suffocating.

"Hold on! I'm coming! I'm..."

His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he dropped to the floor.

She smiled. As if it was funny.

In the next moment, she was next to my ear.

"They're not done with you either, Nashi."


I gasped as I jolted upward in my bed, "wha-"

"You were having a nightmare again, huh?" A male voice cut me off, I recognized it as my blonde haired, different eyed brother, Igneel.

The nightmare got pushed to the back of my mind. He had already gotten dressed, which was a complete surprise to me. I don't know what he was wearing underneath, but he wore an orange sweater and some plain jeans. His hair was unkempt, like normal.

I shook my head, trying to get the memory out of my brain for good, "yeah..."

"Hmm," he looked like he was thinking, but quickly brushed it off. Like he always did with his responsibilities. I mean, I guess I do that too...

"Ah well, breakfast's ready." He said.

I nodded and smiled at the thought of food, "Let's go get some!"

When we got downstairs, of course my sister and mother were already eating. Luna was always up first, and of course, her blonde hair was never out of place. It was always so smooth down, or it was in a bun. Either way, she looked perfect.

Meanwhile my hair could be used for a flock of birds to live in.

My little brother's hair was blonde and as messy as mine too. It wasn't exactly as long as mine, but it wasn't really short either.

"Morning guys," I said drearily. Mornings are not my favorite time of day. Even if breakfast is my favorite meal of the day.

Luna waved as mom said, "good morning Nashi."

"Yes, spicy eggs!" Me and Igneel said at the same time, we have the same taste of food. Which made my favorite sibling choice extremely easy.

Luna didn't particularly like spicy foods, she's so much like mom it's kinda hard to believe. Reading is her favorite thing to do, like mom. In fact, mom was able to teach her sign language, because of books.

I could never understand sign language, so Luna usually just writes me her words. It takes longer, but it makes it much simpler for me.

Igneel and I sat down after getting eggs and hot sauce, then started eating silently. Usually Igneel would usually make a joke, but not this morning. Happy wasn't here this morning either, he was with Carla at Wendy and Romeo's house.

"Nashi had another nightmare," he said lowly. I guess he decided to tick me off instead.

I instantly gained energy and yelled at him, "Igneel!"

He just started poking at his food with not even a frown or smile, nothing. The only thing he was showing was a little bit of his teeth, which were clenched.

Luna looked at me with an eyebrow raised and mom mumbled something under her breath before saying, "what did I say about those Nashi?"

"Tch," I turned my head to the side, so I didn't have to see that look on her face. "They're my nightmares. I don't understand why I need to tell you."

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