|Chapter 3| Judgement

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I recently got 1k votes on the first book! Agh! As a special celebration and thanks, the tenth chapter of this book will be especially long. Thank you! ;)

*also I was editing this (*large gasp* who knew?) and I can't help but have the feeling that I forgot something...? So if something just sounds wrong or doesn't make sense please tell me!

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I don't remember you, not the slightest bit. But he's telling me he knows you all too well.

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"I'm going to have to explain the twins before anything." The fire gleamed in his eyes, Caleb was unable to look anyone in the eye.

"When the neo-demons were created, he had three, I guess you could call them, drafts. Those three were me, a necromancer, and one that did not survive because of the intensity of the magic."

"Where's the necromancer now?" Erza asked, her eyebrows furrowed. Her eyes were glowing a red-orange from the fire they were gathered around.

"He disappeared or died, I haven't sensed him in years," Caleb answered, he crossed his arms and continued.

"After us three, there were three others that Zeref had created. They were considered perfect. Guaranteed to not turn on him, no emotion, no thoughts of their own. One of them is still with Zeref as far as I know, she hasn't left his sight since she was created. The other two are the twins, nameless twins.

"The one most of you know is the girl, who calls herself Melody. Truth of the matter is, she can't reveal her real name. The other one his her brother, who I cannot name."

Rosemary spoke up, "Do you know their names? And why don't they use their real names?"

Caleb shook his head, his brown hair slightly swaying back and forth, "I don't know their names. And they'd be smart not to go around telling people. If you call both of them by their designated names, then they die. You can attempt to kill them again and again, but they simply won't."

"So how the heck are we supposed to take 'em down?" Nashi yelled out, "We can't just let them roam around here!"

Caleb sighed, "calm down Nashi, I'm getting to that." She grumbled as everyone looked at her shamefully, everyone but Igneel, at least. He instead decided to ignore the fact that she spoke.

"They also have another weakness. You can kill them at the same time, and they'll disappear forever."

"What's the catch?" Jellal asked, "that seems too easy." He sat next to Erza, his blue hair catching the breeze of the night.

"Of course, there's certain requirements. I'll explain later. I'll explain their powers now, then the judgement day part, then those requirements.

"Let's start with Melody, she's the weaker one of the two. But you shouldn't take her for granted. She can manipulate you into believing things that aren't there-- in the sense of feelings and sounds. That's why Nova felt as if she had nowhere to go, when in reality she had the whole forest. These feelings and sounds are not easy to overcome, so don't waste your energy trying. You just have to power through it, and know that your ears aren't bleeding. No one can see it, and you can't either, any questions so far?"

Was what I thought was Storm actually Melody? Nova thought to herself. She never saw him, just heard him. But the ice, she saw the ice. It froze her feet- she couldn't move.

When no one asked anything, he continued, "the brother is a lot more complex. I've always known the twins as the manipulater and the trickster, the brother being the trickster. He can tease you mind into seeing, and believing things that are far from the truth."

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