|Chapter 1| Tenrou

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I... I can't be your friend anymore then, even if it's true. It's too dangerous for you, for me, and for the rest of Earthland.


"Gale, get up." 

I brought my hands up to my eyes and started rubbing them, he finally decided to wake me up instead of letting me sleep in 'till noon. I know it sounds like a blessing that he doesn't wake me up, but I'd rather have ice cold water dumped on me than Nova killing me for being late for a job. Not as scary as Reiki used to be, but still, dangerous.

I got up on my elbows and looked at my father groggily, he towered over me, staring me down. "What do you want?" I asked. "You've done your job," I waved my hand at him, signaling for him to leave. 

He just kept staring at me and blinked, "nothing, I'll leave."

I furrowed my eyebrows and just watched him walk out the door. "Okay then." That was strange. Maybe he's just having an off day or something. 

I looked outside and noticed that it was before noon at least. About ten in the morning. Today was the day we were going to be going to Tenroujima to see what all the commotion is about over there. 

If I'm going to be honest, if I had a choice, I would never go back. It's a cursed island. There's no other explanation. The tree they talk about, saying that as long as it's alive then Fairy Tail members won't die? It's a joke. No, maybe it did work once. But, now?

I shook my head, clearing away my thoughts, and stood up on my feet. I quickly got dressed and went across the hall to the bathroom, looking at my hair. It'll be fine without dye for another couple days. I took a look at my eyes, red like usual and plain tired. Like usual. I splashed water in my eyes and dried them to make it look like I was more awake. 

For some reason, when I walked down the hall to the front door, I took more notice to the pictures on the walls, ones my dad put up. You wouldn't think of him as someone who would decorate, but hey, framed pictures seems to be his thing. 

There was a couple when I was a baby, with my mom and dad. I don't really remember her, all I remember is the epidemic that killed her. It was spreading like wildfire, and she was one of the first that got it. They didn't have a cure for it until a couple days before she died, and by then it was too late. Asuka's parents seemed to have caught it as well, and to put it lightly, it was too late for them also. I don't know why, but even while I was so young, I still remember her last facial expression. She was... smiling. 

She died before I even could manage to sputter out words, her breathing and heart beat stopped completely. 

After that day, I promised myself that I would never let anyone go. When she died, I felt alone. It felt like she was my only friend. I promised myself that I'd never feel that way again.

Before last year, I knew the tree didn't actually save our lives. I knew it when my mother passed away. Maybe it supplied our magic, but that's all.

I shook my head again, and walked out the door. Thinking too much. I shoved my hands into my pants pockets and walked towards the guild to meet with everyone. 

"Gale!" I looked over to my right to see a yellow eyed, brown haired girl running towards me. Known as Miza, "Is it okay if I walk with you?"

I shrugged, "sure."

In silence, we started walking side by side towards the direction of the guild. It was weird, after all the events that happened last year, we never really spoke to each other or even really acknowledged that each other existed. We're practically neighbors too. Again, strange, but it happened. 

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