|Chapter 13| The Escape.

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I ' M N O T D E A D Y E T

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When Lucy woke up, her wrists were held by chains above her, and weights were tied on her ankles. Zero percent of her body was on any flat surface. She found herself in the middle of a cement room. A lit, cement room.

She pursed her lips as she muttered, "I'm not that strong, but thanks for the compliment."

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She blocked out the pain in her wrists, the cuffs cutting into her skin. Ignored the weights on her ankles, even if it felt like it was going to take her feet with them any second.

Deep concentration.

And, poof.

"I'm sorry miss Lucy!" The pink ram shook her head back and forth. She outstretched her pale arms as pink fluff came from them.

The cloud like substance came inbetween the cracks of Lucy's cuffs, and it inflated. The cuffs started to pry open, and they broke in half.

Lucy would've fallen hard on her tush if it wasn't for Aries fluff.

Aries helped Lucy get the weights off of her ankles, "I'm so sorry Miss Lucy! We couldn't do anything against the boy that took you... His magic..."

"It's okay, Aries," Lucy reassured with a smile, "I put a block on you from coming anyways, no reason to be upset. Thank you for all your help."

"Sorry!" Was Aries last word before she disappeared.

Lucy patted herself down for her keys.

Of course, why would they let her keep them?

She could summon Aries only through the Zodiac's magic, in case of an emergency. She had built a strong enough of a connection with them that she was able to. However, she depised doing it. It wore them out faster, and therefore, more prone to damage. That was why she only did it in a compete emergency, and only of the spirit's free will.

She spotted a cracked door on a wall of the room. For some reason, she didn't trust it.

Actually, no. Not for some reason. The reason was that the night before, Caleb and the male twin pretended to be people she trusted. They like to play cruel games, so an open door was probably child's play.

She didn't see or feel any other way out, so she went towards the door.

That's all it was, a door to a very lit hallway. She let out a breath of relief.

Now, to find her keys and her daughter.

As Lucy ran down the hallway, she let her fingertips run on the walls. She knew how much these demons liked hidden doors.

Sure enough, one opened.

She looked inside, and found a boy cuffed to the wall, "Remington?"

He could barely lift his head.

Next to him, was a belt with a crossbow, daggers, and arrows on it. Next to that, her keys.

She quickly grabbed her keys and summoned a spirit, "Cancer!"

And thus, the crab was summoned.

"No time to talk!" Lucy exclaimed, "cut his cuffs and go!"

Cancer obeyed and did as he was told.

Once she realized she hadn't shown her gratitude, she yelled, "thank you!" As he disappeared.

She caught Remington as he fell off the wall.

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