|Chapter 7| Breaking Point

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Hiya guys! Okay so, I have a question.

Do you guys like Luna? Are you interested in seeing more of her backstory? Or nah?

Because I, personally, love writing about her. But I want this book to apply to more readers. So please, comment which character you'd like to see more of, and I'll try to grant your wish. Also, on her character profile, I did an oops and said that she was taken at age 12. SHE WAS ACTUALLY TAKEN AT AGE 2. Which is why no one but the senior members remember her, no one else but Zeke was born.


THEORY: Everyone will ask what the deal is with Nashi, Mika, Storm, and Serenity.

We'll see ;)

And holy crap, I already have 1k reads on this, that took me a couple more months on my previous book.

I can't thank you enough!

Alright, on with the story!

"If I run away from the truth right now, if I lose to reality right now, what will remain?"

. . .

Where am I?

Caleb opened his eyes groggily, unable to focus on any single thing in the cell around him. Everything was grey, and that's all he could tell about it.

He sat up, and slowly realized that cuffs were locked and chained together around his wrists. They weren't regular anti-magic cuffs, however. They were cuffs that kept the curses in him at bay.

He slid backwards so he was sitting against a cement wall.

"Thought you'd wake up sooner," said a woman's voice. At first, Caleb thought it was Melody. But when his eyes focused, he noticed that it someone much different.

He let out a small puff of air, "Crystal. I knew you were out somewhere."

She grinned at him through the steel bars. In the dim light that was lit by torches, her eyes were more blue than usual.

"So what do you want?" Caleb asked breathlessly.

"Well," she held out a leather book in front of her, "erase your memories, as a start."

His eyes widened quickly before snapping his head up to look at her, "what?"

She shrugged, "you wouldn't fight for us if I didn't." She opened the book to white pages. After flipping through a couple, she stopped.

"What do you want?" Caleb asked. "None of this makes any sense!" His demeanor was no longer calm, but instead panicked.

"Fairy Tail's eradication," she said emotionless. "They hurt us, they hurt us all, Risu."

I haven't heard that name in ages, Caleb thought, despite the threat to hurt his friends.

"There's nothing more to it," Crystal said. Once looking up from the book, she waved her hand in front of her. "And now, they'll get what they deserve."

The chains connecting Caleb to the wall rattled, "what did they do to you?" He asked urgently.

She took a half step back, not wanting to retrieve the memory that was painful to her. Both to her and Rityu.

She told him anyway, "they kicked us out. They didn't want anything to do with us. We told them we wanted help and what did they say? No. Absolutely not."

Caleb shook his head, "they wouldn't ever-"

"I don't remember you becoming so naïve, Risu," Crystal said, using his former name again.

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