|Chapter 11| Interference

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Doo doo doo doo doo I'm so busy even though its summer don't mind me...

Also, sadly, Wattpad is not one of my priorities. I'm sure y'all can understand. Thank you guys for continuing to read!

. . .

"Here's what we'll do," Jellal stood in the middle of a circle made by his guildmates. He had just gotten done explaining what was happening to the younger members, to which their responses were quiet. "We'll have to separate into three teams. We'll name them A, B, and C. The A team will be the ones who find the base of the demons and storms it as a distraction. B Team will stay here in the case that battles spread to corners of the island.

"C Team will leave the island to find more information on the spell, then use a lacrima to give us the found information. We'll give you the teams in the morning, but for now, get some rest."

Everyone went their own ways to get ready for bed. It was a long day for everyone.

Gale was about to get into his tent, before he saw Nova and remembered something.

"Nova!" He exclaimed. She turned around with tired eyes. He jogged over to her, "I need to talk to you."

"Um, okay," she said timidly.

They walked over to the edge of the tree line. Nova rubbed her arms, nervous and cold.

"You didn't eat dinner," Gale stated.

"I... Wasn't hungry."

"You didn't eat lunch or breakfast either. Or dinner last night."

Nova shrugged. "I haven't been hungry."

"You still need to eat, for energy and..." He let out a sigh, "why are you not eating?"

The blonde clenched her teeth, "I told you. I'm not hungry."

"Bull crap!" He suddenly exclaimed. "I saw you. Watching everyone else eat, you're starving yourself. Why?"

"God Gale!" She exclaimed back, "we have more pressing matters than me right now. We should deal with that first." Her sentence ended in a grunt as she pushed passed him and headed back to her tent.

Hr turned around and followed her, "we're not done talking. You're going to lose your position as S-Class!"

"Is that what you're worried about?" she retorted. "No, I'd say we're pretty much done talking."

Gale stood there, dumbfounded. How had no one else noticed it? How in the world does she not care, even a little bit? She always stayed close to food, but never had it in her hands, never-

His thoughts were cut off when he felt a cloth go over his mouth. He reached up to pull the hand away, but he passed out before it could happen.

He awoke panicked. A cloth was tied around his mouth, and he felt cold metal around his wrists and ankles. The chains were heard as he tried to get up as well. However, he wasn't sitting inside a cell. He could feel the leafy ground beneath him, and tree bark behind him. He was still in the forest, somewhere.

How had someone managed to chain him in the forest? And why, for that matter?

"This job was easy," he heard someone say. Another male, and the voice was oddly familiar. "She's ruining herself, and you were like a fly without wings."

A figure appeared. The blue eyes and blonde hair was hard to miss, especially with Gale's eyesight.

It was Zeke.

"I'm not all for killing people, I don't know if you knew that, Gale," he said, hovering over him. "So instead of killing you, I'll let you starve like my sister. Whether or not someone finds you doesn't matter, you'll be weak by the time they do. Unable to battle." He turned around and started to walk in another direction, "until our next encounter!" He waved his hand as he left.

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